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You sat on your bed alone going through the script that was sent to you. The table read was tomorrow morning, and you have been nonstop studying, rehearsing, and reading the script. You wanted to show up with an image of how you perceived the character.

You knew how table reads went. It was a way for the directors and writers to make final decisions and edits on anything. If they didn't like a scene, didn't like a certain plot, or didn't even like the actors, they would change it. Nothing was concrete.

You've seen people reading for their role, but then get replaced. The director didn't like how they didn't put effort into their reading or didn't feel like they fit anymore. It was like a final audition almost. It was a way to confirm their casting decisions.

Your alarm started beeping at you letting you know you needed to stop. Feeling like you needed more time, you extended the reading for an extra fifteen minutes. The beeping retuned. You let out a groan and closed the script. It was time to get ready for bed so that you would be refreshed and ready for the next day.

Nerves and jitters danced around in your stomach. You felt like you were going to be sick if they didn't calm down. Tomorrow was going to be an exciting yet nerve-racking day. Luckily, you fell asleep, but the morning came too quickly.

The sun penetrated through your curtains. You put a pillow over your head hoping to go back to sleep, but then your alarm started playing. You instantly shot out of bed, excited. Today you got to meet most if not all the cast and crew.

You jumped into a quick shower, made a light breakfast, and brushed your teeth. You dressed in comfortable clothing, but not in a hobo style. You knew you were going to be sitting for hours, so there was no need to dress fancy.

Your keys couldn't be put into the ignition any faster than what you did. There was no such thing as being on time in the filming industry. It was either arrive early or late, and with L.A. traffic you knew you needed to leave your house early. Never a good impression to arrive late, especially on a day like this.


The directions led you to a large studio building. Several cars were already parked outside, some people were being dropped off.

When you walked inside, there were multiple tables almost in a large square formation with cloth covering them. Placement cards with the characters names and water were placed in front of every seat. A few mics were placed here and there. Chairs were off to the side for various members who would be attending. There were scripts for everyone, including the non-cast members so they could follow along. There was a table of refreshments for anyone who would like a snack before, during a break, or after the table read.

A hand grasped your shoulder. "(Y/n), welcome. How are you feeling?" It was Joe Russo.

"I'm good. Very excited to be here."

He gave you a nice smile and nodded his head. "Glad to hear it. Well go say hello to everyone. If everything goes according to plan, you'll be spending three months of your life with them."

He squeezed your shoulder one last time before walking off to greet the others. You walked around introducing yourself, trying to remember every name. You played games in your head to remember who goes with what. Layne goes to the girl with the lilac shirt, and so on.

You were talking to Davis, a fellow actor, when he stopped mid-talk to say hello to a person behind you.

"I believe you must be my Amber." The person from behind you spoke

You smiled knowing Amber was your character's name. "And you must be my Jack."

You turned around and both of your faces dropped. Smiles were replaced with annoyance. Tom Holland was now standing in front of you with his arms crossed and his nostrils flared. You couldn't help the look of disgust that overcame your face.

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