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Harrison all night during dinner wouldn't stop teasing you and Tom. He would make comments here and there about catching you two the other night. Harry started to ask questions, but Tom shot them down by saying the two of you weren't dating. You laughed off Harrison's confused face at that comment.

Your phone that was under your leg started playing the Imperial March. You knew that could only mean one certain person was calling you. Even though everyone had already finished their food, you didn't want to seem rude by asking to leave the table. You hit the side button to make the phone go silent.

"(Y/n), darling, you can take the call. It's okay." Nikki kindly put her hand on top of yours.

"It's okay. It's no one. I can call them back."

Nikki looked down at her watch. "Are you sure? It's getting kinda late."

Your phone started to ring again. You mentally rolled your eyes not wanting Tom's mom to see it. "I guess I will. They're being persistent."

You grabbed your phone and stepped outside. You took a deep breath before answering. "Hello."

"Why didn't you answer me the first time?"

You closed your eyes already wanting to hang up. "Sorry, accidentally missed it."

You could picture your mother with an unamused face. "Where are you?"

"I'm staying with some friends."

"Who are these friends?"

You turned your head with your phone still pressed to the side of your ear. Tom was laughing with his brothers still at the table. You smiled watching him. "Just some strangers I met yesterday. They're pretty cool. They asked me if I knew how to draw a pentagram for some reason. They wanted to paint it on their basement floor."

"(Y/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n), that is not funny!"

You waited a couple of seconds, holding your tongue. You knew you would probably say something snarky again if you didn't watch yourself. "How can I help you today mother?"

"Your father and I are going to London to visit your brother. We want you to come with us."

You stood up straighter. "Ian is in London?"

"Yes." She said the word as if she were just saying 'duh.'

You scratched the back of your head. "Well, I'm actually in London. When will you guys be here?"

"Tomorrow. We are going to get dinner with him tomorrow when he gets off work. You will meet us there. I will send you the address. I assume you'll be capable of getting there yourself on time since you're already in London."

You looked at Tom again. You did not want to face your mother and father alone, especially with Ian. It was a case for disaster, at least for you it would be. "Can my friend come?"

"The one wanting to know if you can draw a pentagram?"


You couldn't see her, but you knew she was rolling her eyes as she sighed through the phone. "I guess I'll just have to change the reservation then."

The door to the outside opened where you were. Nikki smiled at you apologetically. "Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt."

You put your hand over your phone trying to block the receiver. "Oh no, it's fine."

Nikki pointed at the fire place outside. She had a lighter in her hand. "The boys asked me to start a fire out here."

"Lazy. One of them should come do it, not you. So unthoughtful." You shook your head jokingly.

Nikki laughed. "You know what, you're right. I am the one who cooked. They can start the fire." She was about to walk through the door before stopping herself. "Would you like a blanket or anything to drink though?"

"No thank you."

"Okay." She smiled one more time before shutting the door. She marched right up to Tom and handed him the lighter. You couldn't hear what she was saying, but you figured she was telling him to come light the fire himself.

Tom pouted before taking the lighter. He made his way outside, giving you a small wave, not wanting to disturb your call.

"(Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/n)? (Y/n)!"

You took your hand off the phone after hearing your mother starting to yell your name. "Sorry. Nikki was asking me a question."

"And who is this Nikki woman?" Her voice was of judgment.

"My friend's mom."

"Are you close with her already? Going by a first name basis. Where's the respect? How long have you known this lady? A few days. How long have you know me? Your whole life. Your on the phone with your mother, (y/n)."

"I am very clear who I am on the phone with, but I'm not going to ignore Nikki when she asks me a question. You'll be okay if I put you on hold for a second."

"I don't know where this disrespect is coming from. You better fix yourself before tomorrow. I don't want you to embarrass Ian at the restaurant."

You wanted to scream. To yell out into the dark sky, but you took a deep breath. "Is there anything else we need to discuss?"

"You two better not be late tomorrow. And your friend better look nice at the restaurant."

"Will do. Night." You hung up the phone and stared at Tom. He was putting wood on the fire to help build it up. You walked over to him and sat in one of the chairs surrounding the fire. "I have some bad news."

Tom looked up at you concerned. "Is everything okay?"

"My parents will be here tomorrow, and they want to have dinner with me and my brother."

"Okay?" He wasn't sure what the bad news was.

"Will you come with me?" You looked at him with pleading eyes. If he came then maybe it wouldn't be so miserable.

"Of course. You met my family, now I get to meet yours. What could go wrong?"

You sighed. "A lot of things."

Tom looked over at the door to see if anyone could see either of you. When the coast was clear, he bent over you and kissed you. You put a hand on his face kissed him back.

"Everything will be fine, I promise. Your parents will love me." Tom smirked.

You patted the side of his face. "If you say so."

"Excuse me?"

You laughed at his hurt face. You looked over at the small light coming off of the fire. "Your fire is dying."

Tom turned around and started to tend to the fire. His brothers and Harrison walked out with beer. They took a seat around the fire leaving one empty chair beside you for Tom. He sat down after making sure the fire wouldn't die out. Harry passed down the beer for each of you to take one.

Harry, who was on the other side of you, tilt his drink towards yours. You clinked them together before taking a sip. Nikki opened the door for Tessa, Tom's dog, to run outside. She ran straight towards you, putting her paws on your lap.

"Tessa, come on girl. Get down." Tom patted his lap to try and get Tessa to come to him.

"Stop that." You patted your lap for her to jump up. She curled up in your lap giving you puppy dog eyes to pet her.



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