Screams of the Siren

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"Told you that there was a good chance of Angelynn having an edge in this showdown." Jackie stated to Raimundo and held out her hand for the money.

Raimundo groans as he digs into his pockets and hands Jackie 40 bucks.

Right now, the monks are in the middle of a showdown that has Omi fighting Angelynn in a game of Climb the Icy Mountain.

Which basically involves them both trying to reach the top of an ice-covered landscape for their prize.

And throughout the entire showdown Omi kept on slipping on the ice and was now sitting on the floor completely dazed with the Orb of Tornami in her hands.

Angel on the other hand was having the time of her life as she ice skates around Omi gracefully like a figure skater.

"I ask for knife throwing lessons, mom sends me figure skating. "You never know when it will come in handy." She said, it'll be fun she said." Angelynn muttered as she continued to skate around Omi.

"Now I feel kind of bad for making a robot out of her juicer." The Pastel goth added as she skates away and does a triple salchow to get onto another icy platform.

"Angelynn sure has nice form." Dojo commented.

"Whoo! Lookie there! A triple salchow." Clay said impressed.

Everyone looked at him incredulously, not expecting for Clay to know the exact name of the move that Angelynn just did.

And this fact deeply offended the cowboy, and he crosses his arms in response and said in a very snippy tone, "What? Cowboys can't like figure skatin'?"

They then turned their attention back to the battle and saw Omi trying to move forward but that resulted in the young monk slipping on the ice and sliding forward.

"Come on Omi! Just because you're built like a hockey puck doesn't mean you have to skate like one!" Raimundo exclaimed.

Coming to a stop, Omi looks up at Angelynn with a frown. "Angelynn Spicer, your fancy spinning may impress the crowd, but it will not win you the Gills of Hamachi!"

With that Omi jumps forward and as they went from platform to platform, while Angel of course was having no problems at all, Omi was nearly slipping the entire way.

Landing near the base of the mountain, Angelynn smirks at the young monk. "But this will, Ice Ball!" She jumps into the air and says, "Jet Bootsu!"

The Shen Gong Wu of her choice glowed brightly as she plants them onto the mountain slope and began to walk up it.

Making it to the base of the mountain as well, Omi lets out a small yelp as he slips on the ice and lands on his butt.

Looking up he saw Angelynn who was strutting up the mountain very proudly.

"The Gills of Hamachi are ours!" Wuya exclaimed smugly.

Knowing that there was no way he would be able to reach the top at this point, Omi turns his back towards the mountain and sits down.

Where he then slams his fist into the mountain in frustration.

Which resulted in a large crack forming and upon noticing this, it gave Omi a brilliant idea that might just help him win this showdown.

Placing his Shen Gong Wu into the crack, Omi activates its power. "Orb of Tornami: Water!" In doing this, the entire mountain started to crack from the water bursting from inside it.

Soon it reached Angelynn just as she was about to grab the Gills of Hamachi.

Upon realizing what's about to happen, Angelynn quickly tried to grab the Gills of Hamachi before the mountain crumbles beneath her feet.

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