The Hodoku Mouse

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Looking over her descendant's shoulder, Elanor asked, "What are you doing?"

Right now, in the Celestial Realm, Jackie was sitting on the ground with her showdown armor in hand.

And after dipping her needle in some white powder that glittered in the sun, she began to sew golden thread into the armor.

"Adding some more detail into my outfit." Jackie answered.

Elanor looked at Jackie with intrigue, "I see."

The seasoned Celestial Dragon turned around and began to walk away but Jackie called out to her.

"Hey, Elanor, can I ask you something?" Stopping in her tracks, Elanor turns back around. "Sure, what's up?"

"For the past...2 weeks, I've been having strange dreams."

Tilting her head and raising an eyebrow in curiosity, Elanor asked, "Strange? Strange how?"

"Well, for one thing I once had a dream where I saw Omi and Jermaine fighting in gladiator outfits."

"And during the whole Jermaine incident, they were wearing the exact same outfits during their Battle of the Gladiators showdown."

Humming with intrigue, Elanor walks around Jackie and sat in front of her.

"Well, it sounds like you're having Precognitive Dreams." She stated.

Shrugging her shoulders, she continues. "Which is natural, I've heard that some Celestial Dragons have them as they go through their Ecdysis Phase."

Momentarily stopping her sewing, Jackie looks up at Elanor with a raised eyebrow.

"Given how you phrased that, I'm guessing you didn't get them." She assumed.

"Nope. I had my first Precognitive Dream way after passing the stage."

She then grimaced as she said, "But admittedly I did gain the ability to make things combust on a molecular level."

Having a taken aback look on her face, Jackie stared at Elanor as she took in her words and blinked multiple times.

"How did you even find that out?" She asked.

"Thankfully, it wasn't a living creature." Elanor proclaimed before going into further detail.

"But I got really angry one day and was just mentally taking out my frustrations by glaring very heatedly at a mountain. Next thing I know, it explodes."

"The whole mountain?" Jackie asked.

"Yep, you know the Poppy Field of a Thousand Miles, the one that sits in a nearby valley that's surrounded by the mountains?"

Jackie nods her head and says, "Of course, it's my favorite place to get some alone time."

"Yeah, well that's where the mountain once stood."

Jackie's eyes went wide with shock once again. "But that's..." Elanor cuts her off. "Thousands of miles worth of land? Yeah, I know."

"Cedric must have had a field day with that." Jackie stated.

Elanor scoffed as she thinks about how frantic Cedric had become when he realized what happened.

"The old geezer nearly had a heart attack during the destruction and after."

"Moreover, after that day, he made me meditate and do relaxing exercises multiple times per day.

"To be honest it's because of that that I'm so calm and patient now. I used to be very short-tempered like you in my younger years."

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