Gigi, the Heylin Plant

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After losing Clay, Vlad and Angel returned to the pastel goth's home and were now standing outside her house.

Opening the box, they both frowned in frustration as Angel takes out the Heylin Seed.

"This is a joke, right?" She questioned in disbelief.

"Maybe seed is imposter." Vlad suggested.

"I've had worse than this stuck in my teeth." Angelynn stated and throws the Heylin Seed away. "It's nothing!"

Soaring through the air, the Heylin seed lands near the edge of a fountain that had the water come out of a baby cupid's mouth.

But instead of going into the water, it tumbled off and lands in the dirt.

"Looks like evil reality show..." Vlad blows a raspberry before continuing. "Kaput."

Patting his back, both Angel and Vlad made their way towards Angelynn's house. "Yeah, but at least we still have the dream."

Back at the fountain, the baby cupid began to rotate from its perch and a single drop of water splashed out of the fountain.

Where it landed right onto the Heylin Seed and small vines began to instantly sprout out before said vines grew rapidly in size and knocked the fountain right out of the ground.

Hearing a crash, Angelynn and Vlad looked back but saw nothing.

Looking at each other, they shrugged their shoulders and looked back at Angelynn's house.

Which was now wrapped in vines until it was completely covered.

"Is it me or is something different." Angelynn asked.

Suddenly a giant pot next to her started to move on its own and when she looked at it, a giant flower with a face popped out and greeted her with a French accent.


Screaming in surprise, Angelynn jumps onto Vlad's back, where she held onto his face for dear life.

"I'm a little slice of heaven, no?" The Heylin Plant said happily.

Still shaking like a leaf, Angelynn asks them fearfully, "What—What do you want?"

"I am at your command, Master!" The Heylin Plant proclaimed.

"Maybe we got right seed after all." Vlad said as he pulls Angelynn off his face and drops her to the ground.

"Oh, you don't mind if I call you master, master, do you?" The Heylin Plant questioned.

Standing up, Angelynn smiles proudly. "No, I kinda like it. And I'll call you...Gigi."

"You're gonna be my new evil pet." She stated.

Gigi smiles as he hugs Angelynn. "Oh, I'm a very, very lucky plant, don't you know?" He then starts to meow and make purring sounds.

Pushing Gigi's arms off him, Angelynn smiles evilly as she said, "And a very, very evil plant, too."

"Yes. I am, what you say, a nutted plant." Gigi said and laughed as he walks away.

Angelynn smiles before chuckling.

Back at the temple, the monks had informed Master Fung what had happened. And right now, Raimundo was hanging his head in shame as Master Fung chastises him.

"Only time will tell how your error in judgement will impact us all."

Rai lifts his head and he said, "If I crawled into a hole, I couldn't feel any lower." He then bows his head again.

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