Temple Mayhem

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Once Angelynn got back to her lair she puts the Shard of Lightning in a glass case.

"The Shard of Lightning. I couldn't have done it without you." Angelynn said and looked at a robot version of herself.

Who walked over to her creator, "I may have been the one who stole the Shen Gong Wu, but it was your brilliant evil plan." Robo-Angel said flattering the evil girl genius.

She takes a bow and said, "You're the evil genius." "No. you're the evil genius" Angelynn said as her and Robo- Angel started to do a special handshake, while saying that they're the evil genius back and forth.

But that stopped when they tried to chest bump and of course Angelynn ended up getting pushed away and slammed into the wall.

Robo-Angel winces "Oops." She muttered.

With the monks...
After getting back and telling Master Fung on what happened, the old monk decided to teach them a new lesson.

Which is to catch small white feathers while balancing on long wooden poles.

"Master Fung was right. We have underestimated our enemy." Omi said as he jumps from pole to pole to grab more feathers.

"What's with Angel?" Rai asked.

"I'll tell ya. She was pretty impressive." Clay stated.

"Even her disses seemed to be better." Rai added.

"Although I do not like it when Angelynn commences the garbage talk. Even I must admit great bald one was a good diss." Omi proclaimed as he jumps in the air to grab another feather and landed in a handstand and caught a feather with the tip of his feet.

"How did Angel suddenly get so good?" Kimiko asked.

Quickly moving from another post Omi grabs even more feathers. "She must've been practicing while some of us were using Shen Gong Wu to get out of doing the dishes." Omi proclaimed and looked at Rai.

The Dragon of the Wind crosses his arms in annoyance.

"Anyway. Whatever is the reason, I'm sure it has something to do with robotics. There is no way she could become that fast on her own." Jackie proclaimed.

"If we wanna beat Angel, we're going to have to practice." Kimiko proclaimed.

Jackie nods her head as she jumps to another post and grabbed 4 feathers. "True."

She then hears someone sneeze and for some reason she had sudden urge to jump away. So, she did and back-flipped onto another post.

The goth watched as Raimundo collided with everyone making them fall to the floor.

"Yeah. Practice a lot." Clay proclaimed.

"You guys ok?" Jackie asked.

"Hey! How did you do that? you weren't even looking at me?" Rai asked.

The goth shrugs her shoulders "My instincts kicked in." She answered.

Right now Katnappe and Lynx are in a salon that they had their parents built for them in their own mansion.

Katnappe was getting her clawed nails done and Lynx was lounging in a lounge chair while drinking a smoothie.

"Come on, come on! We don't have all day." Wuya said impatiently.

"Chill, evil can wait until my nails dry." Katnappe proclaimed.

"You get me those Shen Gong Wu, and I will give you anything you want." Wuya proclaimed.

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