Dyris's True Colors

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Kimiko was about to deal with the other robots, but they were quickly taken out by a red wave of magic that obliterated them all.

"KIMIKO!" Jackie exclaimed as her and Eleanor run over to her.

The Dragon smiles at her friend and gives her a thumbs up. "Jackie, good timing, that evil Klofange guy is here to hurt Dyris." She then blinks when she noticed Eleanor right behind her friend.

She points at the seasoned Celestial Dragon and begins to ask. "Uh, why is Eleanor—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Eleanor pushed passed Jackie and grabbed Kimiko by the front of her shirt and began to shake her.


Moving quickly, Jackie moves in between her friend and ancestor and began to pull them away. "Eleanor, cool it!"

Fixing the front of her robes, Kimiko looked at Jackie. "What's her problem?"

"Well for one thing, Dyris is actually an evil mermaid." Kimiko looked at her friend in shock and disbelief. "What? But that's impossible."

"Oh, it's possible," Jackie points her thumb at Eleanor and said, "Eleanor knew Dyris back then."

Kimiko looked at Jackie with an unreadable expression before she slowly turned her head to look at Eleanor as the horror started to set in and she said, "Oh no! The boys went to stop Klofange!"

"Well, she's gone, we went to her tub, but she wasn't there." Jackie stated.

"Oh, that's because we moved her to the pond in the garden. Dyris, said that she was feeling a little cramped." Kimiko explained.

Eleanor and Jackie looked at each other for a moment before they quickly ran off to the garden with Jackie pulling Kimiko along by her arm.

With the boys, they were still yelling at each other on who will save Dyris. "I will be the rescuer!" Omi exclaimed.

Clay scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Yeah? You and what army?"

"Hey, I'm the hero!" Rai proclaimed proudly.

Suddenly landing a few feet in front of them, Klofange continues to run towards Dyris's location. Omi quickly kicks it into high gear and began to run beside him. "Prepare to suffer a humiliating—"

Before Omi could finish his sentence, Klofange insnared him into a net and kept running.

"Defeat." The youngest monk muttered in shock and looked up as the others went after the man.

Running faster, Raimundo does a front flip so he could reach Klofange and was now running right next to the intruder.

"Hold on, Dyris! I'll save you!" Unfortunately for Raimundo, before he could do just that, Klofange held up his other bracer and instead of bombs, it shot out a bola rope and it wrapped itself around the Dragon of the Wind.

"Whoa!" Raimundo exclaimed as he falls to the floor and Clay jumps over him.

Finally arriving to the garden, Klofange held up his weapon, but he did not see Dyris.

And so, he walked closer to see if she were hiding in the water but before he could reach it, Clay skids to a stop in front of him.

"Not! Can't let you hurt the lady, part—" Klofange cuts the cowboy off by using the grappling feature on his weapon and grabbing Clay with it.

Where he then throws the Dragon of the Earth into an old statue that broke in half. But Clay quickly recovers and grabs ahold of the broken part of the statue and grabbed the other half with his legs.

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