Year of the Green Monkey Part 2

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Back at the temple, the monks finally realized that the vault was opened, and they quickly went to investigate.

Humming to himself, Dojo looks inside the only opened vault drawer with a magnifying glass.

"Yep. Looks like an inside job to me." He announced.

"I don't get it. Who would go through so much trouble just to steal the Tongue of Saiping?" Kimiko questioned.

Walking down the stairs, Master Fung stops in front of his students.

"Someone who has a plan far more evil and the patience to unleash it when the time is right. When monkey power is most powerful."

Jackie raises an eyebrow at that cryptic answer.

"Come again?" She questioned.

Suddenly the sounds of Angelynn's screeches from outside could be heard.

Running out of the temple, they were met with Angelynn hanging upside-down from her tail on a giant bonsai tree.

"Well, if it isn't our favorite primate!"

Angelynn, who was looking even more monkey like, swings up and lands upright on the branch.

"Not only does she look like a monkey..." Omi muttered as he takes a deep breath and sucks in his lips at the horrible smell.

Covering his nose, Omi turns away from Angelynn in disgust.

"She smells like one too."

Kimiko walks over and stood near the youngest monk.

"Considering it's Angelynn Spicer, anything is an improvement."

"Yeah, that girl puts on too much perfume." Raimundo commented.

Angelynn smells herself and not only did she find out that they're right, but even a couple of flies fell out of the sky as well.

"Hey, hey! Easy with the disses!" She said as she jumps down and lands in front of them.

"I'm here to takeover." She proclaimed before screeching.

"Oh yeah? You and what army?" Rai questioned rhetorically.

Angelynn smiles evilly at his words and replied with, "I was hoping you'd ask me that."

She snaps her fingers, and her monkeys rush out of hiding and land around her.

"Me and my army of monkeys!" She proclaimed proudly.

The monks looked at this in shock.

Stabbing the Monkey Staff into the ground, Angelynn suspends herself onto it and took out the Tongue of Saiping.

"Well, that answers the question on where the Tongue of Saiping went." Jackie muttered.

"Tongue of Saiping!" Angel activates it and smirks at the monks as she said, "Monkeys attack!"

Screeching, the army of monkeys rush forward and so the monks rushed forward as well.

As they got closer to each other, Omi jumps into the air and kicks a monkey in the face.

Sending the monkey flying into its kin and plowing them down like bowling pins.

Meanwhile, some monkeys had jumped onto Kimiko's back, but she had gotten rid of them.

Jumping into the air, she kicks away two more monkeys in mid air and then lands on her feet.

Raimundo grunts as he swings a monkey over his shoulder and slams them into the ground.

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