Bitter Rivalry

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Once they got back to the temple, the tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

And right now, the monks were eating uncomfortably eating their food as they stared at the two.

Except for Jackie, the Celestial Dragon merely sat there and ate her food.

Which wouldn't be out of the ordinary If it were not for the fact that she had a dazed look in her eyes and was on her 18th plate.

Back with Jermaine and Omi, the former glared at the latter as he ate his food.

Staring back at him, Omi got a giant spoonful and ate it.

Glaring at him, Jermaine bends his spoon and throws it like a boomerang.

And everyone watched as it flies right into Omi's bowl, scoops up some rice and boomerangs back to Jermaine's awaiting opened mouth.

Omi, who's mouth was already full of rice looked at Jermaine in shock.

But it was only for a second before he literally inhales the rest of the rice from his bowl. Where he then sucks in the rice from Jermaine's bowl as well.

Sitting there proudly with a mouth filled with rice, Omi placed his hands on his hips and gave Jermaine a look that said, "Beat that!"

Jermaine stared at him before looking at the last piece of food.

They both glared at each other as they grabbed it, however, Jackie had also grabbed it at the same time.

Finally taking their eyes off each other, they turned their heated gaze to Jackie to tell her to back off.

But they faltered when they saw the dark, feral look in her eyes that made a shiver go down their spine.

Her hair now puffing up as a warning, Jackie bellows out a terrifying banshee like roar, complete with razor sharp teeth and forked tongue.

Removing their hands, Omi, and Jermaine, along with everyone else quickly moved far away from Jackie.

And they just watched as she shoves the food into her mouth like a rabid animal.

Once she was done, she stood up. "We need more food." She stated and walked away.

However, as she left the room, she let out another kitten sneeze.

Tilting his head, Dojo looked at her in suspicion.

But his attention was then shifted to Omi when he spoke smugly to Jermaine.

"I ate more food than you." Jermaine glared at him. "Oh no you didn't."

"Boys and girls, let me tell you the story about these 2 dragon buddies." Dojo proclaimed, getting everyone's attention.

"Always seen together like peas and carrots." He proclaimed.

"Is this story gonna be long or short?" Raimundo asked, bewildered on where the green dragon is going with this story.

Glaring at him, Dojo gets in his face. "It'll take as long as it takes!" He then gets onto the table and slithers away.

"Long story." Kimiko and Clay said in unison.

"Then one day," Stopping in between Jermaine and Omi, Dojo looks at the latter first. "They had this spat."

He threw his hands into the air as he continued. "Angry, wicked words were exchanged, words that could never be taken back."

"And when it was over, these two friends would never speak again."

As Dojo began to tear up, Omi looked at Dojo with worry and gulped.

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