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Angelynn sighs as she looks over résumé of Tubbimura a fat man in a dark maroon ninja costume.

"So, Mr. Tubbimura. Tell us about yourself. Why should Angelynn Spicer, evil incorporated, hire you?" she asked throwing him his résumé to hi.

The fat ninja catches it "Hyah. Well, uh, I have, as you can see extensive experience wreaking havoc and destruction." He replied.

Angelynn props her elbows on her desk "Yeah. Not really looking for H and D."

"Uh, I, uh, also have a solid grasp of mayhem."

"Mayhem is good." Wuya stated.

"There's always a need for mayhem." Angel stated.

Wuya gasped "Oh, wait. I sense a Shen Gong Wu revealing itself. It's the sword of the Storm."

"Interview over, and don't call us, we'll call you!" Angel said getting up quickly and grabbing a dark pink jacket.

"Wait, please!" Tubbimura said jumping out of his seat.

"As proof of my skills, I shall bring you this sword of the Storm, free of charge." He proclaimed and bowed.

Angelynn looks at him amused "Free of Charge? I like the sound of that."

At the Xiaolin Temple....
Dojo groans as he slithers over to the monks "I got good news and bad news." He proclaimed as he opened the Shen Gong Wu scroll.

"The good news is another Shen Gong Wu has revealed itself. The bad is...Ah...Ah-choo!" The green dragon sneezes fire.

"And the bad is this is one makes me sneeze."

Raimundo looks down at soot covered pants "No, the bad news is I don't have fireproof pants." He said as he dusts away the soot.

Dojo scoffs "Oh, thanks. Very supportive." He said sarcastically.

He then sneezes again, and this time only ash came out.

The monks coughed and fan the ash away from them.

"Ah. The Sword of the Storm." Omi said smiling.

"I've studied this particular Shen Gong Wu for many years." He explained.

"There are things you must be aware. When using this wind Shen Gong Wu."

As Omi explains everyone but Raimundo were paying attention.

He was too far in his own world daydreaming.

After Omi was he done looks at Raimundo who for some reason had his arm laid across Jackie's shoulder.

The goth looks at him unamused "Raimundo what the hell were you fantasying about?" Jackie asked as moves his arm away from her shoulder.

"Raimundo, do you have any questions about the Sword of the Storm?" Omi asked.

"Uh, yeah. Just one. Can you stop flappin' your lips and let us go get it already?" he asked walking away.

Jackie shakes her head and says, "I bet he didn't hear a word you said." Jackie said shaking her head.

As they flew across the sky dojo kept his eyes opened at the multiple little island.

"It's somewhere down there. But..." he sneezes again which resulted in the monks being flung off his back and landing on it again.

"It's hard to be exact what with the allergies and all."

"Just get us on the range, Dojo. And we'll do the cow ropin'." Clay stated.

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