Adventures in New York City Part 3

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Back with Omi...
Right now Omi is on the steps of Jermaine's building and tell him on why he is here.

"Tell it to me, again." He asked.

"I am a monk from the Xiaolin Temple. Part of the ancient order of the Xiaolin Dragons. Engaged in a never-ending battle for a mystical Shen Gong Wu. Against the centuries old Heylin Witch Wuya. And her Evil girl genius Angelynn Spicer, the look alike cousin of my fellow monk Jacquelynn Spicer." He answered.

Jermaine looked at him in bewilderment "Uh-huh, that's what I thought you said."

"I am currently searching for the Serpent's Tail. A most powerful Shen Gong Wu." Omi stated not noticing that a humble lady had walked up behind him and was inspecting him.

"Right. Right."

"Now that you know keep your eyes open for anything strange." He proclaimed.

"Child, what are you doin outside in your pajamas?" she asked.

Jermaine chuckles at that "Omi, right now. You're the strangest thing on this street." He proclaimed.

But before he could say anything else a certain Bugatti Veyron skid to a stop in front of them.

Jermaine looks at the car in awe and shock. He's only seen cars like that in movies and commercials.

And he wonders why something that expensive would even be in this part of town. "Whoa. That's one sweet ride." He proclaimed.

The door slams opened to Jacquelynn. "OMI!" The goth exclaimed as she slams the door and locks her car.

The young monk smiles happily, "Jacquelynn! I am so happy to see you!" Omi proclaimed.

Walking over to the young monk Jackie grabs him and hugs him. "Don't ever runaway again!!" she exclaimed.

She sets him down and bonks him on the head. "OW! Why did you do that?" Omi whined.

"That's what you get for running away and getting yourself lost!" she exclaimed.

"I'm not lost, the others are." Omi stated.

Jacquelynn rolls her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose, "No Omi, it's you who is lost." She corrected.

He gives her a shock look "I am?!" he exclaimed.

"Wait hold up. This is your friend Jacquelynn? You didn't tell me she was a rich goth girl." Jermaine said looking at the goth in surprised.

She crossed her arms "And you are?" she questioned.

"Jermaine." The young boy answered.

"Now little lady no girl should be dressing like that." The woman proclaimed.

Jackie looks at the woman and back at the boys with a confused look.

They just shrug their shoulders, not knowing what to say. "Thank you for your concern. But I can take care of myself." She said politely.

The woman looks at her for a moment before walking away to go home.

"She is right. Jacquelynn is the second most skilled out of all of us at the Xiaolin Temple next to me of course. And it's not only because of her more advance training." Omi proclaimed proudly.

Jackie looks at him with an unimpressed look. "Second most? Right." She said sarcastically.

"Now, Omi. We should get going and meet up with the others." She proclaimed.

"We can't we still have to look for the Serpent's tail and Jermaine agreed to help." Omi stated.

Jackie sighs, "Fine. But no running off by yourself. The last thing I need is for you to get hurt...You didn't get hurt, did you?" she asked.

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