Mala Mala Jong Part 2

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After a few hours Dojo finally found a good hiding spot which was an old dark cave at the top of Mount Hong.

Jackie looks up at the sky and smelled the air. "It's going to rain. Clay could you help me with some firewood?" she asked.

Clay smirks and brings out a lantern "I got a better one. Master Fung gave it to me before we left." He stated.

He sets it down "Dojo, would you mind doing the honors?" he asked.

The skittish dragon nods his head and used whatever fire breath he could muster and lit the candle.

A few seconds later it started to pour.

"Now what? We just camp out here and wait?" Kimiko asked.

"How 'bout we sing songs or tell ghost stories..." Dojo suggested.

Jackie rolls her eyes, "Anyway. I think it should be best that we keep the chest locked up for right now. Just in case we have to quickly change hiding spots." she proclaimed.

"That is a good idea Jacquelynn." Omi proclaimed.

She walks over to the Shen Gong Wu chest and closed it. "Clay, the key." She said holding out her hand.

The Cowboy goes into his hat and hands her the key.

Which she used to lock up the chest. "I'll hold on to it." she said as she puts the key in her shirt.

She goes back to where she was sitting and just sat there as Dojo listed off other things they could do to pass the time.

"Oh, oh, oh, I know S'mores!" The green dragon added.

"Mala Mala Jong could be attacking the temple right now! We should be fighting with Master Fung." He exclaimed.

"Master Fung ordered us to guard the Shen Gong Wu." Omi proclaimed.

"But—" Raimundo tried to oppose but the young monk cuts him off. "All we can do is formulate a plan to defeat Mala Mala case..." The young monk looks away not even wanting to finish his sentence.

"Master Fung Fails." Clay said finishing his sentence.

Raimundo growls and looks down at the Shen Gong Wu chest.

Back at the Temple....
Multiple monks stood on a building ready with bows and arrows that are were dipped in oil and then lit on fire.

They fired their arrows and even if they met their target, they didn't faze him. In fact, they broke on contact.

And he just kept walking forward, but another group of monks with Chinese halberds in their hands ran forward.

But the demon warrior showed the Eye of Dashi to blast them away.

"Fall back to the temple." Master Fung ordered.

Once everyone was inside, they closed the doors and barricaded themselves in.

Master Fung looked at the door knowing that won't hold the demon warrior for long.

And he was right since Mala Mala Jong came through the ceiling. And took out any monk that was near him.

Moving quickly Master Fung tied a rope to an arrow and shot it at the monster.

The arrow embedded itself into Mala Mala Jong's leg, but it didn't faze it as it tried to hit the old monk.

Who ran around in a circle multiple times before he pulled tightly on the rope. Tripping the demon warrior.

Once he was done, Master Fung shot more rope arrows to tie Mala Mala Jong up.

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