Sibini, Creature of Mischief

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"Can't catch me!" Kimiko exclaimed playfully as she jumps through the trees with her comrades right behind her.

And the reason why they were doing this was because the monks were training by playing a game that was similar to tag.

Landing on a branch, Kimiko proudly stood still as she waited for the others to catch up to her.

Suddenly from below her, Clay appeared and grabbed the branch that she is standing on and brought it down before letting it go.

Which flung the Dragon of Fire right pass the others as she soars through some trees before she landed on the ground.

"Hey, Clay, what gives?" Raimundo questioned as he lands on a branch near the cowboy.

"Oh, I believe, you!" the possessed cowboy said and laughs evilly as the branch that Raimundo is standing on gives away.

And the only thing the Dragon of Wind could do was scream as he plummets to the ground and lands on Kimiko.

"What the fuck is your problem Clay?!" Jackie questioned as both her and Omi land on the same branch which immediately gave away and made them fall right on top of Kimiko and Rai.

And it was a good thing that their branch gave away since two butcher knives that where clearly aiming for Jackie's head given how high they were thrown had embedded themselves into the trunk of the tree a few seconds later.

And Clay just laughs evilly at this as he holds up a saw and immediately makes his way to the ground.

"It appears that someone sawed the limb." Omi proclaimed looking at the clean-cut branch.

"Yeah, same with this one." Rai said gesturing to his branch.

They then hear a grunt and when they all looked up, they were met with a giant tree falling right towards them.

"Shit!" Jackie exclaimed as her and the others quickly got up and ran away.

Or at least tried since they all got pinned down by the branches.

Which in its own way is lucky since if they got pinned down by the trunk of the tree, then they would have a problem.

The monks groan as they pull half of their bodies out.

Clay walks over to them and smirks smugly. "Gotta go, but let's do it again sometime, hmm?" he then laughs evilly for a few seconds before he speeds away.

"Anyone notices Clay's acting a little strange." Kimiko stated.

"That's the understatement of the century." Jackie growled as she pulls herself from under the tree.

She then looks at the others and helps them out. "So, who wants to confront him?" she questioned.

"Me." the other monks proclaimed.

"Good then we're on the same page. Come on." Jackie proclaimed and with that the monks began to look for the Cowboy.

But to their surprise it was taking longer than expected and before they knew it, it was nighttime.

But unknowing to them, right now Clay is in fact in the vault pillaging the Shen Gong Wu and putting them in a sack.

And it was around this time that Angel had arrived and was walking down the stairs when she bumped into Clay.

The two villains stared at each other for a few seconds before the pastel goth smiles nervously. "Uh, I'm not here to raid your Shen Gong Wu."

"Who's stoppin' you?" Clay said as he puts another Wu in the sack and picked it up.

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