Chameleon Bot

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It was in the middle of the night and everyone was asleep all accept Jackie, who was in the meditation temple.

The goth takes a deep breath and exhales as she finds inner peace.

Everything around her seemed to fade as she enters deeper and deeper into her meditation.

But suddenly a weird chill went down her spine like something or someone was watching her.

Opening her eyes, she looks around in suspicion and gets up.

She narrowed her eyes as she walks out of the temple "Who's there?" she demanded.

"Alright guys this better not be a prank!" She proclaimed and walks further out.

Suddenly a crow caws at her as it lands on a tree right next to her.

The Xiaolin Dragon of Celestial Magic gasped in shock before calming down.

"Seriously?" she said to the crow.

The Crow just tilts its head and caws again before flying away.

Jackie scans the area one more time before she decides it's just her being paranoid.

So, she decides to call it a night and goes to bed.

The Next Day...
Jackie yawns as everyone waits for Master Fung to arrive for their new lesson.

Her eyes started to droop as she tried to stay awake and lean against Kimiko to keep herself up.

The Dragon of Fire looks at her friend as she shakes her to wake her up.

"Jackie, you weren't training till dawn, again were you?" Kimiko asked.

"No. I went to bed around 2:20. But I still feel tired for some reason" She stated.

Raimundo whistles "Dang girl why were you up so late?"

"Jackie does it because of her element." Kimiko stated.

"Why would her element keep her up?" Omi asked.

"Celestial Magic also known as Quintessence or Aether created life itself. Basically, without it we wouldn't be alive. And because of this Jackie's training is a lot more advance than ours. So, she decided to do late night training sessions because of it." Kimiko explained.

"So, it's basically the Element of Creation or somthin'?" Clay questioned.

Jackie yawns and said, "That's actually one of its names."

"One?" Omi questioned.

"My element goes by many names and the Element of Creation is one of them." Jackie explained.

"If that's the case then why not be known as the Dragon of Creation or the Dragon of Quintessence? I mean it would make it easier to know the nature of your element. Celestial Magic does sound a little ambiguous. I mean who has ever heard of an element being called Celestial Magic." Rai stated.

Jackie sighs and nods her head in agreement "True, but like they always say the more power you have, the more powerful your enemies are." she said wisely.

"Once you think about it if everyone knew the very nature of my element then they would probably try to get rid of me or try to use me for their own selfish gain. So, going by a different name helps."

"So, the Xiaolin Temple choose Celestial Magic to shroud your element from our line of sight?" Omi presumed.

"I think you mean hide in plain sight." Raimundo corrected.

Dragon of Celestial MagicWhere stories live. Discover now