The Heylin Comet

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It was early in the morning; the sun was just rising and not even the birds were awake yet.

However, right now in the meditation temple.

Clay, Raimundo, Omi, and Kimiko were fully awake and fully dressed.

And were sitting in a circle looking at each other with serious glares.

"Alright, remember the rules?" Rai questioned.

"The last person to lose will have to awaken the beast." Kimiko stated.

"Let's do this." Rai said with determination.

Holding out their hands, the monks began to play rock, paper, scissors.

And after a rigorous battle of luck and skill, it was finally down to Kimiko and Omi.

Glaring at each other, they threw down their hands.

Which was rock for Kimiko, and for Omi, he had unfortunately chosen scissors.

Chuckling, Kimiko gets up and jumps happily in triumph. "YES!"

Sighing, Omi got up and solemnly walked towards his destination.

However, as he was walking, he got an idea.

Making a detour to the kitchen, he saw Master Fung making breakfast.

"Master, do you have some coffee?" He asked.

"Going to wake up Jacquelynn are you?" The old monk said knowingly.

Omi nods his head.

And so, Master Fung takes the already made coffee and poured a glass.

Setting the coffee cup on a small tray, he hands it to Omi.

"Now be careful young monk, it can be really hot."

Nodding his head, Omi bows to his mentor and took his leave.

Looking at the door, Omi knocked a few times.

"Jacquelynn?" He called out but he didn't get an answer.

He knocked and called out her name again, but it was the same response, nothing.

Getting curious, Omi opened the door and saw that the Celestial Dragon was fast asleep.

But she had books sprawled all around her, and even had one on her face.

Curious, Omi sets the tray down on a table and walked over and grabbed the book on her face.

Unfortunately, he was unable to read the title since it was in an unknown language.

But despite it being unknown, he does have a faint memory of Dojo writing such letters before.

Moreover, he would sometimes speak in an unknown language as well.

Humming in suspicion, Omi sets the book down for a moment and crawled onto the bed.

"Jacquelynn?" He muttered and poked the gothic monk in the cheek.

But all Jackie did in response is groan and turn her head away.

Which Omi found strange since usually Jackie is a very light sleeper.

Sighing in annoyance, Omi jumps off the bed and grabs the book as he walked towards the door.

He then turns around and took a deep breath as he screamed.


Immediately waking up, Jackie sits up with her now reptilian eyes opened.

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