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The moment I realized that father is not coming home anymore, I wasn't able to feel anything. Even crying doesn't enter my system. My body started to feel numb. Mom was trying to calm Asahi who's been crying ever since Mom told us that father left us.

"Mom, let's eat. I'm hungry." That the first thing I said before going to our dining table to eat. They didn't join me so I eat there alone. Even the food is bland.

Later that night, I feel like crying. But I told to myself, Asahi's sad, Mom is sad, there must be someone in this family who's not. That was when I decided that it has to be me. That is why, I never cried when Dad left us. Not a single tears. I was sad, but I didn't cry.

I have the same feeling when Jeongwoo told me his reason. I was a distraction. Funny isn't it? Therefore I smile.

"Yeah. Just what I thought." My smile turned to a chuckle. "You should go now. Thank you."

I was about to go inside when he speaks again.

"I had to forget my own happiness so I can repay your sacrifices. If I message you just because I wanted to, you would probably get mad again because you'll see me walking towards you. And that's what I am avoiding. Making you mad. Because that only means you have to push me away again. And I don't want to cause you another heartbreak. I know you've suffered enough. We've suffered enough."

Every word he said feels like a stab in my heart. As I told you before, I will never be ready to his reasons. Whether it is good or bad.

"Thank you. For telling me that. Now I can finally move on." I said. "Take care on your way home, Jeongwoo."

I closed the gate and went straight to my room. Crying all night is the only thing I could do for now. And asking myself what will I do next. Now that I finally know his reason, what will happen to me? To us?

Asahi is calling...

"Sahi.." I said in soft voice. I was crying to much to speak properly.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to come over?" He asked.

"No. No. I'm okay."

"What happened?"

"When you asked Jeongwoo to punch Lucas, did he hurt himself?" It was a random question. But who cares now?

"I didn't ask him to punch Lucas. He does it voluntarily. But I doubt that he got hurt, he was smiling all day. Why did you ask?"

"Nothing. Can you come over tomorrow? I'm going to make sushi."

"Yes. Of course."

When I ended the call, I saw something in my call logs. I had a call with Jeongwoo's old number for ten minutes? When was it? Three days ago? That's when I got drunk and woke up on his bedroom? O my gosh? Did I just drunk call him? But it's his old number!

Asami to Asahi:

Sahi! Can I have Jeongwoo's new  number? Thanks.


Did you delete his old number? It's still the same.


So he answered the called? It was him? O my God, what did I say to him? Of all the people in my contacts, why does it has to be him? Did I ask him to pick me up? But he told me that he was there and just happened to see me. Why he didn't tell me that I called him? o my gosh! This is insane!

Knock knock!

I opened the door for Mom. She was shocked to see me in my current situation but she didn't ask anything. Instead, he handed me a wallet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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