I'm back!

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Before anything, I just want to say thank you for all the comments, all the views and all the support. So yeah, I've been gone for a very long time because well you know school started and my parents said if I got straight As for the Mid-Years, they will purchase me a new computer. SO I did, I aced all my exams and they bought me a phone instead. 

Now as you all know, you can't write on wattpad with a FREAKING PHONE ( pardon my language ). I kinda was hoping for a new computer to write on and right now I am using one, the chromebook. P.s it sucks. There is no caps lock and you can't type in other languages. 

Well, moving on, yes, I am coming back to writing, I have read a lot of books over the time I was gone and now I think that I am kinda ready to go back to writing, sorry for the long wait during November and December, I truly am sorry but here are my reasons for leaving. 

1. When I juggled tuition with studying for the next years and doing daily uploads, it was very tedious and back-breaking work. 

2. When I wrote, my mind wandered off into other distant realities of fantastical and mysterious lands of imagination. 

3. I was depressed, I mean who wouldn't be when they're entire class ( almost ) criticises and bullies them online. And I also had to finish the entire Sec 2 syllabus and revise my entire Sec 1 syllabus. SO I felt I was kinda wasting my holidays, no offence, writing was AWESOME but it's just that I couldn't write to my heart's content and my mind wasn't focused because of all the things I was thinking of and all the things I had to memorise. 

4. My computer back then sucks. Let me elaborate, every 5 seconds, a ghost would seize control of my keyboard and do random things. My screen was also blurred so I couldn't see very well. My mother and my sister literally pried out not one, not two but four of my keys. As you can see I complained to my parents and they weren't willing to invest into a good computer for me so here I am. I know that I may seem a little entitled and selfish from this sentence but I haven't received a gift from them that was over 20 dollars for four years plus they didn't even bother to plan ahead. Next, I really love writing and they buy a lot, I mean A LOT of stuff from themselves, ranging from new computers to new phones for themselves for "work" but they weren't willing to invest in my passion. Still seems entitled though, well I guess maybe I am a little bit spoiled with my mindset but I just felt that with all the hard work I have put in to get good grades that satisfied them and the amount of things I did for them that had a lasting impact on my health, I thought they would do something for me. 

WOW this seems like a blog now. Sorry guys, nothing can ever excuse my absence online for the past 6 months and I will now make up for it by grinding chapters out every week till My End Year exams, which I will notify you guys. It seems like you guys seem to like my Dragon Master fanfiction better than my actual book which is actually quite good at the end. Although, it would have been better if I kept cranking out chapters daily. I will start posting more chapters here. On Thursdays I will finish a chapter on Night and on Saturdays I will finish a chapter on Dragon Master. And as I have a lot of time on Sundays, I will publish another chapter on either Night if I don't have a lot of time or The Dragon Master. 

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