Chapter 29: Cringe.

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Cringe. That's all I can do right now. Cringe. I will cringe when I read this. And cringing is what I am doing now. When I read my previous chapters I cringe. I write romantic scenes so cringy that even I cringe. I have never actually had any experience at all writing these scenes and I never read romance books on purpose, that's probably why I write such cringy scenes. I am so cringy. Cringe. 

Hiccup's POV

Well, let's just say the final ship didn't stand a chance against the combined force of all of us. They were crushed effortlessly. 90 percent of the crew just gave up and jumped overboard. 1 percent fought back and the other parts of the crew laid down their weapons and surrendered. 

"Well, that was easier than expected," I said. 

"Yeah, they're absolute babies, "Snotlout added. 

"You're not much better though, remember the time you ... " Ruffnut started before being cut off by Snotlout. 

"Shut up!"Snotlout shouted. 

"What are we going to do with all these rats we captured?"Mala asked. 

"Kill them all! Slaughter them!"Dagur suggested rather loudly.

"No, they gave up, just throw them into the jail cells and give them food and water. We need to determine where their loyalties lie. Anyone loyal to Drago, try to convince them to switch sides. If they still don't, then keep them there, "I commanded. 

"But, where's Drago? DId anyone see him?"Astrid asked. 

"I didn't see him, did anyone else?"I questioned. 

"No," everyone said in unison. 

"But then where is he, he had plans to attack  Dragons' Edge. So where is he!? Come on, someone must've seen him!?" I shouted, now worried. 

Drago always stuck to his plan, so where is he? Then, an acrid smell wafted through the end and the distant sounds of explosions rang out behind us. 

Sorry this chapter is so short, I'm just getting used to writing again about HTTYD. It's a huge leap. Plus, I had a good dream about Night last night and want the memory to be as fresh as possible to write the best content for you guys. It's probably because although I love writing fanfiction about shows that I love, I also love writing original stories. So, I'm sorry, but I will make up for this chapter with another one tomorrow. I'm looking forward to progressing this story further. So long as you guys are willing to read it. Could you guys also do me a favor and check out my other story, Night ( Book 1 ). You can check out my other stories by just clicking my profile or searching it up. Would appreciate it if you guys actually tell me what you think about that story and what I should do to it. Thanks. 

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