Chapter 4:Runaway

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Hiccup's POV

After a few days of bonding with toothless,I found out he could not fly without a tail and decided to make him a new one. My dad also apologized for his actions and accepted me back into the house. I spent my day,drawing designs on a new tail and building a saddle to go along with it. Every Day,I would go to The cove and visit  toothless and fly with him, Yes I said fly,after a lot of trial and error I finally was able to fly on him and learnt a few tricks too. However, Dragon training was starting and I had to go to the killing ring to fight dragons. I learnt that they were not as bad as they seemed and did not really want to attack them. I beat every dragon with skills I learnt from toothless. Stormfly with the scratching technique,Meatlug with the dragon nip,Sharpshot with the light technique and Barf and Belch by just coaxing them back into their cages. I became slightly more popular among Berk and some people came to me for advice, but the usual bullies did not change and neither did my father. The girl of my dreams, Astrid Hofferson was jealous of me. Yes! I said it,she was jealous of me because I was good and was sadly chosen to kill HookFang instead of her. The rest was because I was still weak and did not look like a Viking and my dad because he expected me to use force instead of using tricks. "Hey Dad, I don't want to kill dragons,I mean they aren't that bad and they are only doing it because their queen is forcing them too, if not  they would be eaten," I suggested to my dad one day. "NO! HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY SAY THAT! THEY TOOK VALKA AWAY FROM US AND THEY STEAL OUT FOOD EVERYTIME THEY RAID US!HOW DID YOU EVEN KNOW IT WAS BECAUSE OF A STUPID QUEEN!GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"My dad shouted and gestured to the door. "But, I am your son!" I replied. "AS FAR AS I KNOW IT!I NEVER HAD A SON WHO EVEN SUGGESTED NOT KILLING DRAGONS! I NEVER HAD A SON WHO WAS WEAK AND USELESS! SO YOU ARE NOT MY SON!!!!!!!!!"My dad shouted and I decided that was it. I ran out of the house miserly and turned to Astrid for help and a place to stay. It started to rain heavily and I ran to Astrid and said,"Astrid,please help me! My dad just kicked me out of the house! Can I stay at your place for a while?" However,she just pushed me into the mud and replied,"Dream on! No One would ever like you!" Those words stung and that was the final straw,I raced off into the woods and into The cove and looked for toothless. Hey Hiccup,where are we going! Watch out! Human! Toothless said as I climbed and mounted him. He shot a plasma blast at what seemed to be Astrid. I got off Toothless and ran to see if she was okay. She was passed out on the ground but thankfully not injured. She would never ever love me! I admitted the sad truth in my mind, but wanted to say sorry. SO I gave her a peck on the  lips and ran off thinking,I JUST KISSED ASTRID HOFFERSON! BUT IT'S OVER NOW! SHE WILL NEVER LOVE ME AND NO ONE EVER WOULD ACCEPT ME ON BERK. I climbed onto Toothless once again and accidentally dropped my new dagger on the ground, but I didn't care about anything except running away. Where are we going, Toothless asked. "Somewhere and I am never coming back!" I replied.

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