Chapter 28: Saviour.

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Ok guys, can you please tell me what to do. My parents want to take away my old computer which I am currently using and force me to study one year ahead. Spend all my time being enslaved in my textbooks and not the books that I like reading. When I read, they're against that, when I write, they are against that. Please tell me what to do. I can't post updates or write if I don't have the computer I am using right now.

Hiccup's POV

I dropped down on the ship and Toothless shot a countless amount of plasma shots from his mouth that blew up chunks of the ship.  I dropped down and broke into a roll. I was back on my feet almost instantaneously though. I lit Inferno. 

Enemy: Nice sword you got there. How I wish Drago provided us with those. 

He got hit unconscious because of that. 

Enemy leader: Treason, you shall pay for it dearly.

Then, they all got blown up by Toothless. This was the trigger for the others to attack simultaneously.

I plowed through them as if they were butter and I was a knife.  If you want an exact description of how it went, I basically wrecked them. I kicked the first one and jumped as I spun and used two swords to create something like a tornado. It knocked out fifteen people that were about to overpower me. Then I dropped back to the ground and shot spikes at the enemies coming from the front and breathed fire at the ones on my left just by turning my head and also sonic blasting those coming from my right. 

They all dropped to the floor, all unconscious. 

This was only a small percentage of those on the actual ship though. I couldn't let my guard down. Now that I have cleared all the troops stationed on the top, I have some new options revealed. I could burn down the top floor of the ship. But, what benefits would that give me? I could reveal the lower deck of the ship which would allow the dragons to finish the rest as all the defences were on the top. That was not a bad plan. 

Okay, Hiccup, think about what angers you the most. I envisioned Snotlout's face and my vision instantly became red. Well, that was a rather effective method.  I breathed and imagined me as a dragon breathing fire. Fire came out and spread over the entire ship. I smiled proudly. I did it! 

Hey Toothless! I called in dragonese.

Hey Astrid's boyfriend, Toohless replied as he flew down and landed in front of me, on top of the flames. 

We're not dating, anyways, could you call the other dragons to come here and finish the job?  I commanded in dragonese. 

Sure, whatever you say, Toothless replied. 

HEY GUYS! COME HELP CLEAN UP! Toothless screamed. 

Dragons flocked over, mostly Terrible Terrors and Hobgobblers though. 

Well, let's go offer some assistance with the others, then, I told Toothless. 

You wanna see your girlfriend? Toothless asked. 

She's not my girlfriend, but yes, she is still my apprentice and I care for her so yes, I told him in a rush. 

Yeah right, get on, Toothless said. 

I mounted Toothless and we departed to see how things were going with the teens. We flew over the ship they were stationed at to find that it was already cleared out. The top deck was clear ( Sorry I don't really work well with ships and don't know a lot about their parts ). 

Then, I heard a faint sound of someone that I hated shouting. 


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