Chapter 23: Attacking.

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Astrid's POV

Being snuggled up against H's unarmored body was amazing. It was so warm and I could stay here forever. I felt safe and protected, shielded away from reality. A large part of me felt that this was wrong as wasn't sleeping together a thing that only couples did? I was only a apprentice and he was the master, how would he feel if I admitted I had feelings for him? However, a small part of me told everything else to shut up and just enjoy this while it lasts. On normal occasions, I would have pushed him away, but sad to say, the small part won and I just stayed there in his embrace. H stirred and woke up. 

H: What time is it?

Toothless roared. 

H: WHAT!? Get up, it's already 8 a.m.

H sat up and I got up with him. I placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from getting up. 

Astrid: Calm down, it's still early and you deserve a break, it was tiring for all of us last night. 

H contemplated then crashed his lips onto mine. 

Just kidding, that would have been my imagination. H laid back down and I snuggled back into him. We both fell into the soft comfort of sleep. I dreamed of me and both the people I loved on a cliff and their arms were around me. 

H: I love you Astrid.

Hiccup: Me too. 

Astrid: I love both of you. 

H: But you got to pick one. 

Astrid: But I like both of you, why can't we all be together. 

Hiccup: That's not possible milady. 

H: Yes, no matter how much we will like that, it cannot happen. 

Astrid: But, I can't bare to let one of you go. 

H: Then, we will fight like dragons for a mate. 

H commanded his night fury to eat Hiccup and Hiccup was gobbled in is mouth. I broke down in tears and pushed H off the cliff. The night fury pounced on me and opened it's mouth to eat me.

I woke up crying and screaming. 

H: Astrid, are you alright?

H was at his table and got up. 

H: I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep very well. It's already 10 a.m. but that doen't matter, what happened?

I backed away from him. I was afraid. He had the power to kill everyone and conquer the world with his dragons. What if he wanted tog et Drago out of the picture so he could take the world for himself? 

H: Did I do something wrong? 

I don't know what was wrong with me but I ran out of the room. Perhaps the dream was the future, was H evil?  i ran to Ruffnut's home and opened the door to see Snotlout and Ruffnut making out on the bench. I cleared my throat to get their attention. They pulled apart and jumped in shock. Snotlout fell off the couch and looked annoyed, he glared at me. 

Snotlout: Aren't you supposed to be with your boyfriend or something?

Astrid: He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend and I need to talk to Ruffnut privately about something. 

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