Chapter 1:Hiccup

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Hey Guys! It's me Zepth, from 23 November 2020, I am writing a new book and would like you guys to check it out if you like this one, I promise it won't be so cheesy and so long.5t is an original idea of mind that sprouted out from my head and I have been developing this story for the entire year so I hope you guys like it. If you do, please give me a vote and give constructive feedback to help me improve, I am after all only a beginner to writing. Thanks for all you love and support guys ! Bye! 

This is my first fanfiction and as the exams are around the corner, I won't be updating very often, I'm sorry but give me time and you won't regret it. Let's head to the story! ( Dad if you are reading this, stop it get some help)

Hiccups POV

 Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was often bullied and made fun of by all the other kids and was often known as Hiccup the Useless. He was commonly picked on for his size and his lack of muscles. Whatever time he had was spent slaving away in the forge as Gobber's apprentice, polishing weapons and dealing with angry,unsatisfied customers. "Hey Hiccup,could you... Polish my axe", Astrid said,blushing furiously, but quickly looked down to hide it. I looked up and saw the girl of his dreams,her golden curls pushed to the side,her perfect face and her lightning-blue eyes. She was simply stunning. Her beauty was what made every boy in town have a crush on her. "'s my job after all,"I replied. Gosh, why did I stutter? Then she gave me the smile that melted every boy's heart in Berk. I took her axe and went to polish it.

Astrid's POV

I trained in the forest,pretending the trees were the dragons that took my parents on the beach when I was young and hacked my way furiously on them,throwing my axe constantly at the trees then retrieving them before repeating the process. "Hey Angel!" a voice said from behind me. I whipped my head around to find the most annoying person in the whole of Berk,Snotlout. "Stop trying to flirt with me Snotlout,I will never love you!"I replied,picking up my axe. All the boys in Berk had a crush on me and flirted with me at every turn,it was very, very annoying, only one person on Berk had never ever tried to make a move on me. It was Hiccup Haddock, son of the chief and the heir of Berk. He had amazing green emerald eyes and auburn hair, but was constantly bullied for the twigs that he called arms. He was bullied a lot and I pitied him, so I never joined in unless forced to if my reputation was at stake. I secretly had a crush on him and every time i looked at him,the crush grew. i remembered the day i found out I had feelings for him. My mother died and it was the first time I had an emotional breakdown. I hid behind a tree because no one could see me cry and I heard footsteps. I raised my fist and got ready to give whoever saw me cry a makeover with my fist. I got up and punched whoever was behing the tree and he fell down. On closer observation, i noticed it was Hiccup. I calmed down. " Sorry Hiccup," I said.

 " No problem, look I just want to help you," Hiccup replied. 

How was he able to do that? He always seemed to calm me down and make my heart flutter. We then talked and he was kind and comforting. Then, I looked up and we both looked at each other. This was one of the first times I got a clear view of his forest green eyes.We stared into each other eyes and my heart was racing. Hiccup was so kind, compassionate and cute. That was when i found out I had feelings for him.

From then on, i would purposely dull my axe everyday except days when i chose to actually practice. so I could see him and watch him handle it with such caring hands it made me jealous.

 My axe was not sharp anymore from my training and I had to go to the guy who captured my heart to get it sharpened again. I slowly headed over to the forge and saw Hiccup working on something. My heart fluttered and threatened to burst out of my chest."Hey Hiccup, could you... Polish my axe," I asked, then realising I stuttered in front of him, blushed furiously,but quickly hid it before he could notice it.". "'s my job after all"He said, looking at me with those green eyes that I loved. Then he took my axe and set to polishing it. I watched him polish the axe for me with such kind hands and cared for it like it was a human being, I wished that was me. My heart was beating so fast right now, I could run around Berk ad not be tired. He finished his task and passed me the smooth axe that shined like the sea. I thanked him and he smiled which I personally thought was the cutest thing in the world. 

" Well, um ... ... So my shift atthe forge as Gobber's apprentice is over, want to go to the Great Hall together?" Hiccup asked, a small blush forming on his face. Yes! Yes! A million times yes! 

" Sure, why not?" I replied, a big red blush forming on my face as well, but I quickly hid it. 

We walked together towards the Great Hall next to each other. Our hands brushed a few times against each other and we both blushed. Then, Snotface Snotlout came and everything changed. 

" Get away from my angel Useless!" Snotlout shouted. The noise attracted a lot of people towards it and they formed a circle around us to prevent him from escaping. I shoved him. I personally felt sorry for the fellow, he was born with twigs for arms and was constantly bullied for them. 

" Whoa whoa! let's defuse the situation, we're friends and we were only walking to get some grub," Hiccup said. 

"Yeah right Useless!" Snotlout taunted. 

" If you beat me up, I will tell the chief," Hiccup claimed but everyone could sense the fear in his voice. 

" And what would he do to the next heir of Berk," Snotlout jeered. 

" You aren't the heir!" Hiccup retorted. 

" And you are!? A real heir would have actual muscles, a real heir would strike fear in his enemies! No person right in the head would pick you over anyone to be heir!" Snotlout countered. 

It was true but the truth hurts sometimes or in his case. Then, Fishlegs and the rest of the gang closed in on him and shoved him to the ground and started kicking him. 

" Besides, my angel would never be friends with someone like you would she?" Snotlout claimed and wrapped his filthy arm around me. I squirmed to escape, the only one who should do this was Hiccup. However, I couldn't, Snotlout planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek and I shook my head. Hiccup's face contorted in rage, I was quite afraid of him whenever he got angry, it was like a dragon being released. He grabbed Tuffnut's leg and hurled Tuffnut's body around like a rope, hitting everyone kicking him. 

" Get away from her!" hiccup said, his voice dripping with anger. It made me want to run in fear like whenever I faced a dragon. 

" Or what?" Snotlout sneered. 

" You'll regret it," Hiccup retaliated. He came up to him and glared at him which made me want to jump into a hole and cower in fear. 

" How? no more mommy to protect you Useless!" Snotlout mocked. 

I could tell he hit a sore spot, I could feel it, the air buzzed with electricity and he snapped. He punched Snotlout in the chest which sended him flying into a few barrels. 

" Mention my mother once again and you will get more than cracked ribs!" Hiccup said. 

Then, Stoick came and took control of the situation. 

" What about your mother?" Stoick asked. 

" Hiccup called his mother so weak she couldn't defend herself from a baby dragon!" Snotlout said. 

" YOU WHAT!" Stoick grabbed Hiccup and carried him off. 

" Who does he think he is?" Snotlout said. 

" Someone better than you!" I exclaimed, and ran off. 

Hiccup's POV

I recalled the incidents of the previous few hours. I stood up to Snotlout. Snotface Snotlout. He shouldn't have angered me. The mention of my mother clicked something off inside me, it was quite a strange feeling. Everything went dark and it was like the number of veins in me doubled, I was full of energy and I punched him with everything I had. I didn't know if anyone could see but I'm sure my fingernails grew a significant size and my toenails too. Sure, I got a good sized scolding and another beating which left every part of my body covered in bruises. But, on the bright side, I found out I had a secret ability. I recalled the incident and the burning rage dilled me again and I tried everything with my hands. I wasn't stronger, i always knew I had the strength in me but I was too afraid to use it. But, when I tried sprinting with my hands, I ran into the wall and put up my hands to shield myself and it stuck. Whoa. I walked normally but on the wall. It took me a few hours to master it but I got the hang of whanging upside down after a while. I could use this ability to escape from the gang.

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