Chapter 7:Drago Bludvist

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Okay Guys here is how the story goes,Drago does not have a bewilderbeast but instead has found another red death and is using them to control the dragons to take over villages and tribes and bend other dragons under his control.

Hiccup's POV

I was flying around on toothless towards the tribe of the Bashem Oiks to save them from a dragon raid. Strange,we haven't had a dragon raid ever since I defeated the red death unless. No Way! Could there be another one that I haven't found yet. I approached the village and saw swarms of dragons fighting alongside what seemed to be Outcasts, judging from their ship docked on the harbour. There were all sorts of dragons,ranging from the common Gronkles to the rare Flightmares. Why are you doing this? I asked in dragonese (yes I speak dragonese, one of my abilities) A human speaking dragonese? Who are you foul creature? a Monstrous Nightmare asked. I am the Dragon Master, although more commonly known to dragons as the dragon prince,I replied I am sorry your highness, I didn't know it was you? please forgive me, we are doing this to stay alive or we would be eaten by Drago's Red death, The Monstrous Night mare replied.

Well that confirms my suspision that there is another red death and the bad news is that the phsyco Drago Bludvist the conqueror has it, this could spell doom for all the islands, Dragons and humans alike. What should we do, my prince? The Monstrous Nightmare asked, jolting me back to reality. Go to HelHeim's gate,there you would find a Terrible terror named Guider and he will guide( all puns intended ) you to a new home, I replied in Dragonese. First things first, I needed to help save this village from the Outcasts, troops from my arch nemesis Drago. I brought toothless down and said" plasma blast now!" hitting the troops and stunning them and causing massive confusion, I opened the zippleback canister and flew circles around the Outcasts who were all gathered in a group and lit it with Inferno while shoutng" LIGHT IT UP!" causing a massive explosion and them to land in a heap nearby, all unconsious with severe burns. " who are you?" the chief of the Bashem Oiks asked. " your saviour, but you can call me The Dragon Master, I think its time for the tribes to unite against Drago Bludvist," I replied. " Never, the Bog-burglars, Meathead and Ugli-thugs would never earn out forgiveness!" the chief shouted back. " Okay,but then you would all die which is fine by me," I warned as I mounted toothless and rode off back to dragons edge,leaving them in deep contemplation on what I just said.   

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