Chapter 2: Night fury

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Hey guys the September Holidays are finally here! But I have 13 homework to do, but I will try to update as soon as possible Thanks for reading this horrible fanfiction! Now on to the story!

Hiccup's POV

I used my ability to escape from the gang everytime, it was so exhilarating. I could climb the unclimbable cliff we ease and often used it to escape. I would run to it and before they could see me, I would run up it in a few seconds like a spider and reach the top. It's view was spectacular by the way.  I called it the thinking cliff, where I can be alone and think. 

One day, Snotlout shoved me to the ground and I ran away before he could land a proper hit on me. Astrid chased after me and I reached the cliff. I flung my shoes up to my hands and thought about Snotlout. A familiar spark ignited in me and I ran up the cliff. 

I went up and just sat there, looking down on them. 

"Where is the punk!" Snotlout shouted.

" He ran away," Astrid replied.

"What do you mean he ran away?" Snotlout said," there is like literally nowhere to run, you let him escape didn't you!"

" No!" Astrid retorted. 

" Beat her up!" Snotlout commanded. 

Oh no! I couldn't let Astrid be hurt because of me, it would ruin her divine beauty. I took a rock and threw it at them. It hit it's target, Snotlout's head and he screamed in pain. They looked up and saw me.

" How did he ... ...?" SNotlout stuttered, but was speechless.

Astrid beamed at me and i waved at them. 

" You helped him didn't you!?" Snotlout accused. He advanced on Astrid and i threw another rock at him. 

"STOP IT!" Snotlout complained. 

"No can do!" i replied and continued the barrage of rocks. My accuracy was on point. They ran away and I crawled down the cliff and dropped down to her. She hugged me and I embraced her back. 

" Thanks Hiccup," Astrid said," How did you do that?"

" It's one of my abilities," I said. 

" Oh, well, can I join you up there?" Astrid asked shyly, looking down sheepishly and I saw a slight tinge of red on her cheeks. I carried her over my shoulder happily and ran up the cliff. She screamed all the way. I placed her carefully on the grass at the summit of the thinking cliff. She was still yelling and I put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. 

" We're here," I told her. 

" Whoa," Astrid replied, staring at the pristine blue ocean. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked. Just like her. 

" Yeah," Astrid replied. I sat down next to her and we stared into the sunset. Her eyes drooped and she laid her head on my lap and fell asleep. I blushed. The girl of my dreams was sleeping on my lap, Oh My Gosh!  I didn't want to wake her up so I let her lay there. I thought about some new designs for new dragon killing machines and in the time where Astrid was sleeping on my lap, an idea struck me, The Mangler. 

Then, it got darker and i carried Astrid in my arms and brought her back home. 

"What did you catch? Some big game?" Stoick asked. 

" Yeah, a small baby dragon, it's dead, though, I killed it," I replied. It was a lie, but it would make him proud of me. 

"Good boy," Stoick commended. 

"I'm tired, so I'm going to hit the hay first alright? Goodnight," I told him. 

I went to my room and set her down on the bed. She was totally asleep, I could do whatever I wanted with her. Stop it Hiccup! I slept on the cold hard floor that night, thinking about her and The Mangler. 

Astrid's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed quite early in the morning. How did I end up here? I saw the sleeping form of someone on the floor and noticed it was Hiccup. He looked so peaceful when he slept, and so freaking cute. I just wanted to pounce on him and plant kisses all over his cute face. I remember falling asleep on the Unclimbable Cliff with Hiccup who could climb really well.  He must have carried me here and slept on the floor instead of the bed because he put me on the bed. Aww! SO caring, this is one of the desirable qualities I loved about him. I went up to him and easily carried him to the bed and planted a light kiss to his forehead. He woke up with a start and saw me. I smiled. 

"Um ... ... Did you have to get off the bed for me?" he asked while blushing. 

"No, i just brought you here just now," i answered. 

"Well, you better get going before your parents suspect something," Hiccup told me. Straight to the point, doesn't he want me to stay? He's probably the only boy i the village who doesn't have a huge crush on me or doesn't show it. 

"Okay then, bye and thanks," I said before going out and meeting some angry relatives. I explained it to them and promised to never do it again while they chided me. 

Time skip ( A few months )

Hiccup's POV

I was finally finished with my latest project, The Mangler. " Gobber, listen to me please, it can revolutionize dragon hunting. It may be small but it fires bolas at rapid speeds that can ensnare dragons. Wait, listen to me please!"I  pleaded with his master and his father's good friend, Gobber who thought his idea was crazy and has been ignoring him all afternoon. After a long time, I finally gave up and returned to my house where I met my father who was waiting at the door for me with a furious look on his face. "HICCUP HORRENDUS HADDOK III WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT I SAID TO BE HOME BY!' My father, the chief of Berk chided. I backed away in fear and squeaked,"I was at the forge with my new invention, I am sorry dad." 

" GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! AND DON'T COME BACK TILL YOU'VE PROVEN YOURSELF WORTHY!"My father shouted. Did he just kick me out of the house? I ran out of the house with tears streaming down my face like rivers just as the war horn sounded. YES! Finally a chance to test my new invention. I immediately forgot all about the part where my father temporally kicked me out of the house. I ran to the mangler and got it ready to fire at a moment's notice."Night Fury! Get down!"Gobber warned just as it shot a plasma blast at Astrid's house and flew off into the night. Oh No you don't I thought as I released the trigger and watched as the bola hit the night fury,entangling it and bringing plundering to the ground in the forest. I sprinted back to my house and told my father that I shot down a night fury with The Mangler. "Stop making false claims! You're still not welcome in my house!"My dad replied. Why won't anyone believe me just because I am scrawny doesn't mean that I can't do anything. Fine! IF no one believes me then I will kill it by myself! I decide and grabbed my dagger and headed into the eerie dark forest. It was pitch black and suddenly I tripped on a rock and fell down before the world turned black.

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