Chapter 10 : attempted escape

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Astrid's POV

This was crazy! I am not just some gift that you can give ! I planned to run away before anyone came out of the Great Hall but had a lot of things to pack for the long journey. I took my big bag of essential items like fish and food and sprinted to the docks, throwing them into one of the smaller ships and hoisted the sails praying for a good wind because I couldn't  row the oars all by myself. Sadly, apparently Njord was not happy today and there wasn't any wind, not even a slight breeze. I continued praying and pleading that I could sail away before the Dragon Master arrived or the others found me.  Unfortunately, there was no wind and Spitelout found me. He grabbed me and threw me in front of Stoick saying," I found this girl on a ship, trying to escape." " Bind her with ropes," Stoick commanded. " Why are you doing this? Release me!" I said. However, no one answered or responded to my command, they were all too busy picking up their weapons s the sky suddenly darkened. I looked up  and my jaw dropped open in shock. It was a flock of dragons, containing at least a 100 of those beasts and they all parted to reveal a person riding a Night Fury at astonishing speeds, reaching Berk in a matter of seconds. My blood boiled at the sight of the night fury, their kind killed the love of my love, Hiccup the loyal. If my hands weren't bound together, I would have thrown my axe straight at the Night Fury. The Dragon Master got off the dang night fury and seemed to roar. Spitelout threw me in front of the guy and I prayed to every god out there that he would send me back. How could my village betray me like this? I wish Hiccup was here to save me. I wish he hadn't died. I wish it was me instead. At the thought of Hiccup, my eyes started to well up and a tear streaked down my face, but the Dragon Master simply wiped it away gently with his palm and lifted my head. It was here where I finally got a good look at him. He had forest green eyes that were foreign yet strangely familiar and a very muscular build, he was also very tall, almost as tall as Stoick and twice the size of Hiccup. "Dragon Master, I am sorry for calling your little pets of your beasts and I hope that we can work together, as a gift to make up for my insult, I offer Astrid Hofferson to you for a wife or a servant, whichever do you prefer." The Dragon Master let out a gasp of shock and to my dismay replied "Yes! I will join forces with you to defeat our one common enemy, but you will have to learn how to work with my dragons in order for this arrangement to work." Then he took out his dagger and cut the ropes that bound me and out me on his Night Fury unwillingly. I tried to resist, but he  was stronger than me and said softly," Don't worry, he won't bite," which earned a growl from the Night Fury. With that, we flew off.

Hiccup's POV

 I flew on toothless towards  Berk, which was a few hours away by dragon.  I finally arrived and landed on the ground of the place I never wanted to see or return to ever again, the same place that I had so many horrible memories of and where I had a horrible childhood. I hated every bit of this place and the bitter glares the people gave to my friends (the dragons flying above ). These people hunted and killed dragons for fun. They threw the beautiful girl I saw when I came back to Berk for the first time, she started crying and I knew that she was forcibly forced to come here. I lifted her head and saw her stunning lightning blue eyes that I could drown in and golden curls. She was very attractive and reminded me of my first love, Astrid Hofferson. i was about to object and send her back into the crowds when my father said,"Dragon Master, I am sorry for calling your little pets of your beasts and I hope that we can work together, as a gift to make up for my insult, I offer Astrid Hofferson to you for a wife or a servant, whichever do you prefer." OH MY GOSH! IT WAS ASTRID AFTER ALL! WHY IS SHE LIKE THIS! I let out a gasp of shock, she had grown more beautiful over these five years. I could not take her! But she did bully me and break my heart and I think it's time for a little payback and I do need to find a helper to actually help me do some cleaning work after all."Yes! I will join forces with you to defeat our one common enemy, but you will have to learn how to work with my dragons in order for this arrangement to work," I replied and saw a look of dismay on her face. No matter what position she was in she still looked attractive, I thought, NO GET IT TOGETHER HICCUP, SHE WILL NEVER LOVE YOU  AND YOUR FEELING FOR HER ARE GONE! First, I needed to set her free then we could return home and I can spend time with her, I mean train her to become my helper. I took out my new dagger made from a barb of a titanwing Razorwhip. I helped her up and pulled her hand over to Toothless and she resisted, attempting to escape my grip, I used my enhanced strength that I inherited from a Deathgripper and pulled her on Toothless. I could sense her fear using the abilities to sense emotions from a Hobblegrunt and assured," Don't worry, he won't bite." Yes, I don't bite, I swallow. Hey! Isn't this the girl you have a crush on and bullied you when you were on this wretched dragon killing island. Why are we bringing her along? 

Shut it and fly Toothless I whispered in Dragonese. Toothless complied and we lifted off the ground as the fearless Astrid Hofferson closed her eyes and screamed in fear.

  Hey guys! The next chapter would be about all the powers Hiccup currently has because he is the dragon prince.

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