Chapter 36

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Brad pushes open the door and I gape "Woah." the room is huge with a large balcony overlooking the swimming pool and the sea. Dropping the bags on the bed I walk out onto the balcony before turning grinning "The pool is huge." Brad chuckles coming up beside me and wrapping his arms around my waist "Happy holiday." I grin wrapping my arms around his neck "Happy holiday." I lean up kissing him gently "I love you." he grins "I love you too." we stay where we are the sea breeze washing over us "What should we do first?" I shrug "Dinner is in two hours. I think I'm going to have a shower then relax. I know we haven't done anything really but travelling is tiring."

He nods "I like that idea. I'll unpack while you shower." I grin "Sounds great." Walking into the bathroom I stare wide eyed at all the bottles of lotions and potions and all sorts. Picking a couple up I sniff them before placing them back and having a quick shower trying a couple of the soaps to see what they are like. Walking back out I start drying my hair "Everything is in the wardrobe and I put anything important in the safe." I nod "And did you note down the code?" he shakes his head smiling proudly "Don't need to, its your birthday so I can't forget it." he presses a kiss to my cheek before walking into the bathroom.

Pulling my towel tighter I browse through the clothes I brought selecting a simple floral dress that falls just below my knees and a pair of pink heels to go with it. Perching on the edge of the bed I start brushing through my hair until it falls in silky waves around my shoulders. Brad walks out the bathroom dressed in black trousers and a white shirt with the top buttons undone. "Ready to go?" I stand and he lets out a whistle "You look stunning." I blush and kiss his cheek then his lips "And you look handsome." 

Grabbing the room key I put it in a shoulder bag along with my phone and walk out the room. Brad takes my hand gently and we walk down to the lift then to the dinning room. A waiter greets us at the door smiling brightly "Table for two? Excellent, if you would like to follow me please." we follow him through into a large restaurant. One wall is entirely glass so you can see outside and out towards the sea. We are lead over to a small table next to the window and the waiter places two menus down on the table "Someone will be along shortly to tell you the specials and to order your drinks."

He bows his head slightly and disappears. Brad pulls out my chair "My lady." I giggle slightly and sit down "Thank you." he nods grinning and sits opposite opening his menu "Any ideas what you would like?" I open my own scan reading "Woah they have a lot." he chuckles "Yep. Should we try some Spanish wine?" I nod "Sounds good." I smile "I think I'm going to have the pasta carbonara." he nods "I'm going to try the steak."

A waiter walks over smiling "Good evening to the beautiful couple, have you decided on what you would like or would you like some more time?" Brad smiles "We will have the chefs choice of wine. I will have the stake and Jodie?" I smile "The pasta carbonara please." he nods noting it down and taking the menus "I will be back shortly with your wine and I wish you a wonderful evening."

The food is divine and full of flavor, once we have finished I lean back in my chair smiling happily "That was incredible." Brad nods "And we have two weeks of this." he chuckles and the waiter appears gathering up our plates "Was everything alright?" I nod "Amazing thank you." he nods "It is our pleasure. Enjoy the rest of your evening." Brad stands offering me his hand "Care for a walk along the beach?" I nod "That sounds amazing."  

We walk outside and through the garden type area out onto the beach, I take of my shoes enjoying the feeling of the sand cool in the night air. We walk hand in hand along the beach and I lean my head on his shoulder "Two weeks of this is going to be incredible." he nods pressing a kiss to my forehead "Perfect."

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