Chapter 45

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Putting away our empty bags I change out of my travelling clothes and into some shorts and a t-shirt before heading outside and looking out over the sea.

Putting away our empty bags I change out of my travelling clothes and into some shorts and a t-shirt before heading outside and looking out over the sea

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Brad comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist "Dinner is at seven Mrs Simpson." I giggle turning to kiss his cheek "Thank you Mr Simpson." he chuckles leaning his head on mine "I could get used to this. Amazing weather, nice villa and just the two of us." I smile nodding "Sounds amazing to me." we stand in silence for a while until Brad says "Care for a swim?" I laugh "Pool or Sea?" he grins "Defiantly Sea I want to use the slide." I laugh and we walk back inside changing into our swimming things. Brad goes to the top of the slide while I wait at the bottom with my phone to film.

He whoops landing with a large splash in the water beneath coming up grinning. Putting my phone away I leap of the balcony landing next to him. He chuckles and we swim around, the water is lovely and warm and you can see the bottom perfectly, when its shallow the sand is soft and warm. Brad has a waterproof camera slung around his wrist and takes lots of pictures, after a while we head back climbing back onto the balcony and drying of in the sun. "Meet you out here in an hour?" 

Leaning over I kiss his cheek before heading inside for a shower and to find something to wear for dinner. I rummage through the outfits I bought settling on a simple blue dress with a belt around the middle and a pair of blue heels.

Finding a small purse I put my phone inside before heading outside, the temperature has dropped a little but its not cold enough for a jacket

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Finding a small purse I put my phone inside before heading outside, the temperature has dropped a little but its not cold enough for a jacket. Brad is wearing a pair of loose black trousers and a dark blue shirt with the top buttons undone "You continue to amaze me with your beauty." I blush smiling happily "You look handsome." he grins offering his hand "Our car awaits my lady." I giggle slightly taking his hand. The car journey doesn't take long perhaps fifteen minutes. Brad steps out first before turning and offering me his hand we are standing outside a large building which looks like an aquarium.  

We walk inside and a waiter walks over beaming "How can I help the beautiful couple tonight?" Brad smiles "We have a table booked under Simpson." he nods consulting a tablet screen "Ah yes, if you will follow me please." we step through a pair of double doors and I feel my eyes widen we are standing underneath a huge tank filled with sharks, turtles and fish of every variety. The waiter leads us to a table placing down menus before disappearing with a bow "This was rated as the best restaurant on the island." I grin sitting down "Its very cool."

The food is delicious but we spend most of the time watching the fish. The beams in the ceiling are covered in fairy lights adding to the mystical feeling. Thanking the waiter once more we pay and stand walking slowly outside. The stars are incredible, with so little light pollution you can see every star in the sky. As its only a short distance we decide to walk back the path illuminated by the stars and the moon.

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