Chapter 37

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We come to a stop and I wrap my arms around his waist leaning my head on his shoulder as I turn to admire the waves lapping up the beach. "This place is beautiful." Brad grins pulling away slightly and holding out his hand "Would you dance with me?" I giggle taking his hands in mine and twirling around "I would love to." giggling we twirl around the beach in the moonlight until I start yawning "We should probably head back to the hotel." I nod and we walk hand in hand back to our room.

The next morning I wake feeling extremely happy with sunlight streaming down onto my face. Yawning I roll over moving closer to Brad as his arms tighten slightly around my waist. "Good morning love." I smile sleepily "Morning." He sighs "Breakfast in bed or should we go down to the restaurant?" I stretch out "Go down to the restaurant, I'm going to get changed. We can have breakfast then sit out by the pool the sunbeds look really comfy." he nods laying back with an arm thrown behind his head "Sounds excellent." 

We both change and I put my swim suit on under my clothes and put two towels, my purse, phone and a few other things in a bag so we don't have to come back to the room. Looping my fingers with Brad we walk down to the restaurant and I feel my eyes widen. "Woah." Brad chuckles "Well we certainly won't be going hungry." There are two large squares in the middle of the dinning room filled with benches, ovens, drinks machines and fridges. There is food from all over the world and every type of cereal and pastry available. We find a table and I load a plate with food and grab a cup of coffee before sitting down smiling happily.

After breakfast we walk out side and find a double sunbed laying down in the sun. I pull out my shades and a hat laying back contently. Brad lays next to me taking out a book "Well this I could definitely get used to. Amazing food, beautiful weather, no paparazzi and just us two." I giggle rolling onto my side resting my head on my arm "You can keep saying things like that and it will keep being true." he chuckles leaning over and kissing me gently "I love you." I grin "I love you too."

The whole two weeks passes in a complete blur of sunshine and happiness. We spend most of it at the hotel swimming and on the beach. But we do venture out twice once to a local market and once to a marine-park where we got to meet the dolphins, which I loved. It has been the most amazing holiday ever.

"You ready to go?" I sigh picking up my bag taking one last look around our room "Yep, lets go home."

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