Chapter 2

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Brad P/O/V:

I sit down grinning and clutching the piece of paper tightly. The others grin and Blake leans forward "So what's her name?" I feel my eyes go wide "I forgot to ask!" they all burst out laughing I unfold the paper and sigh in relief above the number is her name, Jodie.

"Her name is Jodie." They nod and Connor grins "Imagine if her name wasn't on there." I sigh and finish my coffee "Ready to go?" they nod so we get up leaving the money on the table. Once we're outside I take out my phone "Do you think its too soon to call?" George laughs "Dude we just left." I nod "How long should I wait?" he shrugs "At least an hour."

I scowl "An hour?" they all laugh and George elbows me gently "You barely know her and your practically pining over her." I elbow him back and we continue to the hotel "See you at dinner." I leave the others and walk into my room. After walking up and down the room a couple of times I pick up my phone and dial Jodie's number.

It takes a couple of minutes before she picks up "Hello?" I panic and hang up throwing the phone on the bed.

Jodie P/O/V:

I frown at the phone and place it back on the counter "Who was it?" Molly turns around the corner pulling on her coat "I don't know, unknown number." She nods "I bet it was Brad." I roll my eyes "See you tomorrow." I nod and I leave waving as I walk out the door.

On the underground my phone rings again and I answer "Hello?" there's a slight pause then a reply "Um hi, its Brad." I grin "Hi." "I was wondering if you would like to go out for a drink tomorrow?" I nod before remembering he can't see me "I would love to." "Great I'll pick you up from your café at twelve." I grin "Sounds great" "Bye." I smile and half whisper "Bye." Before he hangs up. I mentally scream, I have a date with Brad Simpson!

I practically skip off the train in happiness and walk quickly to my apartment. Fumbling with the key, I eventually manage to get the door open and step inside closing the door behind me. Chewie bounds up to me happily and I pick him up "Have you been good?" he barks and I smile putting him down and kicking my shoes of by the door.

Walking into the kitchen I open the fridge and stare at the contents debating what to eat. I find some turkey and butter so make a sandwich, grabbing a couple of biscuits as well I sit on the sofa. Chewie jumps onto my lap and I turn on the TV. Skimming through the channels and I settle on I'm a celebrity and start eating.

Once I've finished eating I place my plate on the table and scratch Chewie behind the ears "Guess what Chewie." He yaps quietly making me smile "I got a date with Brad Simpson from The Vamps." He yaps louder this time and jumps down running over to his food bowl.

I shake my head slightly "Hungry?" he just barks and headbutts his bowl towards me. I pick it up and fill it with food before placing it back down. "Happy now?" I smile as he digs in his tail wagging happily "I'll take that as a yes." 

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