Chapter 16

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"What would you like to eat?" I shrug slightly "Cheese sandwich please." He nods "Coming right up, drink?" I smile "Just waters fine." He smiles "I will be right back." he walks inside and reappears with a tray of food and two bottles of water. He smiles "I brought two brownies as well." I smile "Sounds great."

We start eating and Brad smiles "What do you think of the zoo?" I grin "It's great, I used to go to the zoo all the time when I was little." He smiles "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." I nod and he checks the time "If we leave in five minutes we can watch the penguins being fed." I grin and finish the rest of my sandwich "I'd like that." He smiles and finishes his own food handing me one of the brownies "Well you'd better eat quickly then." I laugh "That's not likely but I'll try."

He chuckles and we both start eating as quickly as possible. Brad reaches forward and brushes his thumb over my top lip "Sorry crumbs." I blush slightly and he smiles standing and offering me his hand "Lets go see the penguins." I grab my bag slinging it over my back as we walk quickly towards the penguin enclosure.

We find a space near the front and I grin taking pictures of them. Brad smiles and wraps an arm around my waist "Your adorable." I blush and he leans down kissing my cheek lightly and taking a picture. I smile brightly and turn back to the penguins hoping to hide most of my blush with my hair. Once the penguin feeding is over we continue walking around the park taking lots of pictures. As we start walking back towards the entrance I drag Brad into the gift shop to look around.

He disappears between the shelves and I continue browsing. He walks back over holding a small paper bag smiling proudly "For you." I smile and take it of him opening it. Inside is a small penguin keyring with a love heart next to it. I smile brightly and take out my keys putting it on the ring "Thank you, I love it." he grins "I'm glad." He takes my hand gently and the two of us walk out of the zoo and out to the car.

"I really enjoyed myself." He smiles and kisses my cheek gently before opening the car door. I smile and slide into the seat admiring my new key ring. Brad starts the engine and drives away from the zoo towards my apartment building. "Are you free any time this week?" I shake my head "Sorry no, I'm working all week." He nods and sighs "I'm leaving next week on tour."

I nod slightly and he grins "Expect lots of messages and calls." I laugh and shrug "You won't get any complaints from me." He smiles and takes my hand gently "I'll try and come into the café before I leave, I'm sure the others won't complain." I laugh and he parks the car outside my apartment building.

"Thanks for today. I had a lot of fun." He nods and I kiss his cheek "See you later." I open the car door and grab my bag before walking inside and into the lift. I smile at Thomas before opening my apartment door and walking inside leaning down to great Chewie as he comes bounding forward. I laugh and tickle him behind his ears "Hey, ready to go for a walk." He yaps and runs around in circles.

I laugh and change into jeans, a short sleeve t-shirt, a hoodie and trainers. Grabbing Chewie's lead I shove my phone into my pocket and open the door attaching Chewie's lead as he bounds for the door. I hold him back to lock the door before allowing him to drag me down the stairs and outside.

Brad Simpson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now