Chapter 43

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After several more dances we move to the main table raised slightly above the others. Connor, Tristan, James, Emily, Molly and our parents and his sister surrounding us. Servers bring out the food and I smile brightly while eating. Once finished Brad takes my hand in his brushing a thumb over the two rings now wrapped around my finger before bringing them up to his lips "I love you." I giggle and lean over kissing his cheek "I love you too."

Someone clicks something against their glass and I turn to see Brad's father standing "Welcome everyone, I would like to start the speeches of today with a story. About two weeks after Brad met Jodie he called home to check up on us and told us all about her. I knew exactly then that he would end up with her, simply by the way he spoke. He sounded exactly the same as I did when I met my Anne. I wish you both a life time of happiness and hope you continue to make each other laugh and smile." he sits and my dad stands next followed by Connor who is Brad's best man who shares several stories about how Brad asked me out the fist time which makes me laugh and finally Molly.

"Hi, I've known Jodie since we we're thirteen. She is my best friend and I couldn't be happier for either of you. For those of you who don't know Jodie was a huge fan of The Vamps from the first time she heard their music. Knows all the lyrics to every song. If you had told me she would end up marrying one of the band members I probably would have laughed. But I don't know any two people more suited to each other, you two make the perfect couple and I hope you continue to love and cherish each other in the years to come. And now a toast, to the bride and groom." Everyone raises their glasses and drinks.

The cake is bought out and a gape at the size of it. Brad chuckles and we stand side by side as we cut it while everyone cheers. A gentlemen bustles over a camera slung over his neck "May I steal you both away for some photographs?" we nod and follow him outside where he gets us to do several poses before calling over our family's, then best man and bridesmaids. 

As it begins to grow dark lights flicker on bathing the whole room in a pleasant glow. Brad and I dance more before splitting of to dance with family and friends. It is long past midnight when we finally call it a night, most people have left already so yawning we walk hand in hand to the car. The drive back is quite but when we get home Brad comes around to my side of the car and slips his arm under my back and legs. "What are you doing?" he grins "Carrying you over the threshold, its traditional." I laugh but lean up kissing his chin "Your adorable." he chuckles pushing the door open with his hip "And your mine." I roll my eyes slightly as he carries me through the house "I love you Jodie Simpson." he places me back on my feet "I love you to Brad Simpson." 

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