-Death Bed-

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When you are at the brink of death it is said that the last thing you think of is the one person you felt the strongest feelings for. Being at the brink of death is like opening a door and only entering halfway, that's how both Bad and Skeppy felt at only some distance away from each other, both facing the door of death and life and going in halfway.

In this time they both have to choose to go to one side of the door, either give in to death or walk back into life. Seconds pass, minutes pass and they both make a decision for themselves.


I gasped harshly for air as pain surged through all my body, I was then lifted from the ground and I groaned lightly as I looked around.

Where am I? Who are these people?

"Skeppy! You're gonna be ok! Alright? Fight through it!"


"Hey man don't die on us alright?"


I was given an oxygen mask and I felt my lungs be forced to breath as I sighed into the mask and that's when my vision went black again.

~Time Skip to when Skeppy wakes up~

I heard loud beeps when I awoke but I also saw similar faces as those faces smiled at me and asked me questions that hurt my head and made my ears ring.

Bad...Where is he?!

"....B-ba-bad" I said in a hushed tone as the faces soon spoke

"Skeppy you should re-" I cut of Dream before he could even continue


I felt a hand on my cheek and saw Mrs. Zeka giving me a sad smile and then she moved aside and made me look at a curtain that separated another patient and me from seeing each other. Mrs. Zeka glanced at me and opened the curtain, I felt my heart stop for a second though the machine continued beeping. 

There on the other bed laid Bad with bandages on his head and cleaned cuts on his arms he was breathing but showed no signs of waking up, he looked pale and his lips have started to loose their color, he didn't have his glasses and his hospital gown looked as if he wasn't ever moved from that position. Next to him was my Pegasus, Skylar he looked down and didn't keep his eyes away from Bad as Skylar had some cuts as well and his wing seemed damaged.

"W-what Bad..?" I tried reaching out for him but my arms hurt deeply and as soon as they raised up they slammed back down onto my hospital bed.

"Some people found him bleeding out...from his head and Skylar was also there as he tried saving him" My heart beat quickened and my breaths became sharp and short, the constant beeping made my ears hurt and I started to panic  as my body shook roughly and soon I was taken by doctors and everything went black again.


I feel like shit...maybe if I didn't lie to Bad about our intentions with him and his friends this wouldn't have happened, maybe If I just didn't send him off he would have been here in perfect health with us and watched Skeppy with us.

I walked over to Bad's bed and wiped off some dirt he had on his face and cleaned his hands. He felt so light and he didn't show a signal that he was alive expect for the slow beeps in the machine. 

"Bad...I am so sorry...I never thought that lying to you would have made this happen.." I felt someone rub my shoulder and saw Sapnap as he looked at Bad and then got mad.

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