-I Will Never Leave, Or Take You For Granted-

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"El no cree en amores.."  Why? How come? How could someone so beautiful who could have anyone he wanted.....didn't believe in love? 

My thoughts consumed me as I was now sitting down on one of the tables in the cafeteria. My gaze went to the pretty brunette who was having the time of his life two table in front of me. He was laughing and slightly holding onto his stomach probably from all the laughing. Sapnap came back as he had a tray of food and sat besides me and saw where my gaze was fixed on.

"Dream....don't get attached, you know what Quackity said" Sapnap warned me as he took a bite of his green apple and looked at me as I turned to him.

"What if he is lying?" I asked as Sapnap looked at me like I lost my head.

"Dream, Quackity basically knows everything about George because his brother and him are best friends" He stated. I took a breath and saw Quackity wrapping his arm over Georges shoulder which George just made him pull away and glare.

"I don't get it though, Why wouldn't someone want to be in love? He is literally one of the beauty's of the school! I understand why Karl doesn't have one his brother protects him as if his life depended on it but George? You know I can read people before they talk to me so what is so different about him?" I asked not noticing how much I rambled to Sapnap.

"I don't know man. I mean all people I know that don't want to be in love have their reasons. I'm sure George has them too" I nodded and licked my lips as I got up from the table and Sapnap looked at me as if asking where was I going.

"I want to learn more about him if you want follow me to their table if not have fun watching Karl from afar" I smirked as he got up quickly and followed me. I had my hands stuffed in my jean pockets and with every step I took I could hear my own heartbeat as if it were one of my fathers thunder bolts. The first person to realize we were heading towards them was Quackity he leaned on the table holding both his hands placing them on the table and smirked at me making both the beauty's to turn their heads towards us and scoot closer to Quackity.

"Ah Dream didn't know you'd be joining us...A warning next time thanks" He said as I nodded and looked towards George as he was looking at both me and Sapnap.

"How can I help you today?" Quackity asked as his small smirk was still plastered on his face. I kept my composure and straightened my back a bit more as I looked at him with full seriousness in my eyes.

"WE would like to speak to the beauty's...Of course if they both allow" Quackity's face fell quickly as I saw his jaw clench and Karl holding him down to not any trouble.

"Listen to me you guys will neve--" "Brother! Calm down its just a chat..." Karl said with pure kindness in his eyes as George wasn't even bothered and looked at the two brothers.

"Karl I will not let some dudes that walk around like they own the place talk to you, You are my sweet beautiful brother. What if they break your heart brother? What will I do then? I can't bear see you nor George hurt because of some scumbags" Quackity said holding Karl's hands as Karl looked down lightly and then at his brother.

"Quackity brother, you know that I will forever respect your decisions towards me because I know you have good intentions....but brother you can't just drive all the people that want to talk to me away, by the time I finally have a boyfriend or even my first kiss I'll have wrinkles" Karl whined and looked at Quackity a bit more.

"Please brother! Just 5 minutes then if you want you can make them leave us alone I promise" Quackity smiled and gave Karl a small kiss on his forehead and then looked at George as George just nodded and gave Quackity a small pat on the shoulder as he then looked at Sapnap and I.

The Hidden Gods - DNF, Karlnap, SkepHalo & QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now