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Where am I?....

I slowly took in my surrounding I was in a bed and the curtains where opened. Cautiously I walked towards the big windows and looked out only to stand shocked. I saw people in white attires flying around, flowers instead of colors where golden.

I knew this place was the Gods but they haven't gotten these types of roads or even flowers. I turned around and saw my door creaked open, scared I backed away a bit until I saw who it was.

"B-Brother?..." He had his usual smile when he saw me but his eyes were a literal shade of brown than the one he had.

"Karl! Great to see you up and early are you excited for today?" I was confused, what's today? where even am I?

"Right....what's happening today?" I asked as I swallowed harshly.

"Did you forget again? You're going to meet your future wife and her family! Now get ready! I'll be back in a bit!"

What?! I looked around for a phone, calendar or anything that can tell me where I am or what day it is. I saw a phone on the nightstand as I turned it on I let it fall off as the screen showed the digits and day time.

10:00 am....


I looked into the mirror, how could it be?! But I look exactly how I used to be! I should've been maybe in my late 60s by this time! (I don't count just go with it)

I heard Quackity asking if I was ready and as I was going to answer I saw my sleeping attire transform for a suit, I sighed looking at it, It was just like everyone's suit, Black with a white button up and a black tie.

I hate it....

Either way I ended up downstairs, the place looked elegant and very spacious as I reached the last step I saw them...my family, My mother was fixing my dads tie which was the same as my brothers and mine, while of that my mom had a shiny white dress that secured her waist and outlined her body.

My brother saw me first and smiled as he took my hand in an elegant way and led me to my parents. My dad hugged me and so did my mother once I reached near both of them, when the hugs finished my dad took my arms and smiled but with a sad expression.

"I know you're gay son sand I support it but unfortunately the son of their family is already married and we just need you to marry the girl so that we can expand our business" Oh....now i understand, I nodded and gave him my best smile as we all excited and we got on our way.

Who will the girl be?

Sighing I put my head against the car window and closed my eyes, it only felt like seconds but we soon arrived at the destination and everyone got out the car, I felt nervous I really want to make sure this turns out well so that my dad can be happy but I also don't want to marry a person I won't be attracted or even happy with.

I fixed my tie one last time and then my brother rang the doorbell of the mansion it was very huge with many windows and my balconies, they also had a huge gate and two fountains on the front and to finish it off they had two elegant doors when you enter.

A butler came to us and made us follow as I stayed at the back since my mom stayed she wants the girl to be stunned by my handsomeness. As we arrived to a huge living room the said family was there I can barely make out their features on the parents but the girl was very beautiful if I could say. (respectfully)

They greeted my parents first and then my brother my family then got out the way and I was left with the spotlight and I gave them my best smile at them, I could tell their shocked by the way they ended in their tracks but I didn't know if that was a good thing.

The Hidden Gods - DNF, Karlnap, SkepHalo & QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now