-What's In Your Head?-

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It's been 5 months now since Skeppy and Bad got into that accident...Skeppy got discharged 2 weeks after but Bad is still in a coma.

The doctors say he isn't responding and everyday Bad is starting to get paler, Skeppy visits Bad everyday sometimes he stays overnight, I couldn't hide the truth from George, Karl nor Quackity and decided to tell them all. I can still remember the way George looked at me in betrayal, sadness and anger...I call him everyday just like right now.

I am sitting outside of Bads room as I was here with Skeppy and dialed the number that I have been calling for 5 months now.

"You have reached the voice mail box of ************** please leave your message after the beep" Beep

"Hey, its me yet again....I'm visiting Bad again, he isn't doing to well..Doctors say he hasn't responded to anything and yes he is pale, Skeppy doesn't want to leave the room...I wonder how your day has been, I miss your voice George....I know you are probably tired of me by now and I am so so sorry...I lov--" Beep

I sighed as I saw that I came to the limit of the voicemail and ran a hand through my hair and stared at nothing until I saw someone in front of me.

"Are you Clay?" I looked up and saw a woman probably in her early 20s as I nodded.

"This is for you" She handed me a phone and I looked at her as she walked away I put the phone up to my ear and heard an unknown voice


"Hello Dream or should I call you by your real name?"

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Oh feisty are we? I have your boyfriend and his friends here with me"


"Oh? Am I?"

As soon as they said that I heard a ping come from my phone as I still held the other phone in my ear and saw that an unknown number sent me a picture, the picture was somewhat blurry but you can clearly see three bodies.

George he had a bruise on his cheek and tears running down his eyes as he was shaking.

Karl had a bit of blood on his forehead as he was trying to get to his brother and crying.

Quackity he was strapped down into a chair as he had a bloody nose and bloodshot eyes as he was trying to look at Karl but he was shirtless and many marks on him

"If you keep hurting them I swear--"

"You'll do what? You don't even know where they are!" I growled as I couldn't contain my anger

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" I got many stares but what pissed me off more was the fact that the voice through the screen laughed

"Bring us your fathers and mothers necklaces and then you can have them"

"....Fine but let me speak to them...all of them"

"Hmmm fair enough but they will be on speaker"


I heard some shuffling and a door opening as I could hear cries and please and then I heard the voice I've been dreading to hear for so long.



"Dream! Dream please help I'm scared please I want to go h-home" I heard his voice crack at the last word and him sobbing afterwards.

"Hey hey it's ok I'll get you out of there just stay strong ok?"

"Please Dream I don't like it here"

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