-They Will Never Hurt You Again-

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I woke up this morning exhausted, My father has been making me train and I can't move anything properly anymore. I looked at the time and saw that I was going to be late for school and groaned as I whimpered and as fast as I could I got off bed almost falling to the floor.

As soon as my feet touched the floor I felt the pain shoot from them and up to my entire body. I whined and got ready for school as I had a pout because of the pain I had. I then sighed as I saw the blank paper that I was supposed to write a sorry to my brother.

I had a flashback of how his face and eyes looked like when he found out it was me....Betrayed, Heart broken and Sad. I have tried to talk to him many times but every time I try he just keeps walking or turns away from me, we don't even eat together anymore.

I sniffed and saw the picture frame of my brother and I as I hugged it and kissed it before I left my room and walked to the dining room, My mother noticed me first and she gave me a light smile as she helped me get to the table, My father greeted me as he was eating his breakfast and I looked over to Quackitys seat only to end up frowning and disappointed, once again the seat was empty. 

"If you are wondering where your brother is, He left to school already and you should hurry if you don't want to be late" I nodded at my fathers words and ate my food quickly and brushed my teeth as I gave my mom and dad a goodbye forehead kiss and walked out as I went to the driver outside as he drove me to school.

I miss you brother....

A few minutes later I arrived at school, I was already late and just decided to take my time and that I would sit out on gym and try to relax. I sighed as I went to my locker, the halls were already empty just a few students skipping class but in overall there was barely any.

I took my books and had to head to the principals office to get a late pass and head to my class. Limping all the way to the office I could see some more students there in the hall mostly in a group but nothing to catch someones eye. 

Most of them catcalled me and made me feel uncomfortable as I gripped onto my books a bit more and went inside the office as I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Good morning Karl do you need a late pass?" "Y-yes please" She nodded and started getting me the pass as I stood there shaking a bit, My brother never let me talk to other people so this is very new and scary for me. The word of my brother not protecting me has went out already and everybody knew. It scares me to think that maybe something will happen to me and I won't be ready to defend myself.

I was taken out of my panic as the woman handed me the pass with a smile and I gave her one back as I took it and opened the door as I started walking out of the office, I limped my way to my class and handed my teacher the slip as she understood and let me sit down which I did and felt the pain go away a bit and gave a silent sigh of relief as I focused on class. Quackity is in this class but I didn't notice him in his seat, I tried glancing where his desk was at just to see that he actually was there but he had his head down and looking elsewhere.  

I sighed again and started writing as George sat next to me and smiled at me asking how I was or if I needed anything. I smiled at those words as I wanted to answer truthfully and say, I feel guilty and horrible and I just want my brother back. But instead I just gave him a small smile and let him know I was fine.

Of course he didn't believe it but that doesn't mean he would push me to say how I actually feel and what I want. Classes went by rather quickly and it was now Gym as I felt horrible and limped over to our teacher as I tapped him lightly.

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