Chapter 4: A Day at Work

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When she woke up on Monday morning, Kristen's blue boyshorts from the day before were so far up her butt that she had to spend a few extra seconds pulling her panties out of her butt. She changed into a black bra and a pair of white string bikini panties with hearts on them. She had bought the panties during her shopping trip with Torrie a couple days earlier. As she grabbed her uniform, a pair of pink scrubs and a matching pink top, she felt her new panties ride up in the least comfortable way possible. "These panties went SO far up my butt," Kristen thought as she slid her index fingers down the back of the leg holes to pick her wedgie. She finished getting ready and left for work.

When Kristen got to the hospital, where she worked as a nurse, she picked a wedgie. "I didn't think these panties would be THAT uncomfortable," Kristen thought as she walked to the floor she worked on, picking her wedgies along the way. She got to the floor she worked on and Torrie greeted her with a hug. "Hey. How was your time with Candice yesterday?" Torrie asked.

"It was good, outside of the wedgies those blue panties I bought Saturday gave me," Kristen answered as she picked a wedgie.

"You just had a wedgie, didn't you?" Torrie asked, noticing that Kristen's hand went toward her butt.


"Are you wearing the blue panties?"

"No. I'm wearing the white ones with the pink hearts on them. They're cuter, but less comfortable than the blue ones."

"Yeah. I remember you grabbing them at the store and commenting on how cute they were."

"They've done nothing but ride up my butt from the moment I put them on. They ride up even if I do nothing but walk a few steps."

A few minutes later, they start working. About 4 hours later, they're able to stop working long enough to eat lunch. As they're walking to the break room, Kristen struggled to pick the deepest and least comfortable wedgie she had in years. She breathed a massive sigh of relief and said, "That feels SO MUCH BETTER. I've been fighting the urge to pick my wedgie for the last 4 hours."

"I noticed multiple times that you had a huge wedgie. I figured you'd pick it at least once while we were working."

"I didn't have time. I was so busy working that I didn't get to pick it at all."

"That's a fair point."

After lunch, they went back to work, with Kristen picking 3 wedgies between the break room and the part of the hospital where she worked. About 4 hours after lunch, their shift ended, with Kristen picking multiple wedgies in that 4 hour span. They made plans to eat lunch at a local diner.

They went into the diner together. Kristen picked a wedgie on her way to the table and picked another one before sitting down. "Your panties must really be uncomfortable if you're constantly pulling them out of your butt. You've already picked 2 wedgies since we've been here," Torrie said.

"Certain types of panties ride up my butt a lot more if they don't fit properly. I feel like these are a size smaller than what the label said. That's why these are riding up more than usual."

They stood up to leave, and Kristen picked her wedgie and hung on to it for a few seconds. The elastic in the leg holes snapped when she let go. Torrie heard the snap and said, "That sounded like you had a deep wedgie."

"I did. These panties basically turn into a thong almost immediately after I pick a wedgie," Kristen said as she hugged Torrie.

Kristen got home and changed into the outfit she wore around her house most of the time: a tank top and the bra and panties she put on that morning. She started her usual video chat with Owen. She showed him the panties she was wearing and the wedgie she had. She picked the wedgie and sat down in the living room. They spent several hours talking to each other about how their day went and made plans for the following weekend.

Kristen's Constant WedgiesWhere stories live. Discover now