Chapter 22: New Year's Eve Celebration

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On New Year's Eve, Kristen woke up with a text from Owen askimg if she was still available for the New Year's party that night. She told him that it was still happening at her house and that she'd text him after getting home from work. She climbed out of bed and picked a wedgie. She changed into a white bra, a pair of white cheekies, and a pink uniform. As she was about to climb into her car, Kristen picked a deep wedgie. "I just put these panties on, and they're already going so far up my butt," she thought as she got into her car and left for work.

She arrived at work and picked a wedgie. She got to her station and hugged Torrie, as she usually did when she first got to work each day. Kristen picked a deep wedgie and said, "These panties ride up my butt so easily."

"Which ones are you wearing today?" Torrie asked.

"They're a pair of white cheekies I bought right before Christmas."

"I know today's gonna be a struggle for you as far as keeping your panties out of your butt. Cheekies LOVE riding up your butt."

"They really do. I'm gonna try my best to not pick my wedgies so much while we're working."

"Good luck with that. I know how you are when it comes to your panties. Anyway, are we still celebrating New Year's at your house tonight?"

"Yeah. I still have to buy a few things on the way home from work, though."

"Okay. Let me know when you're ready for me to come over later."

"I will."

Kristen picked another deep wedgie before starting her shift. Over the next 4 hours, Kristen would pick her wedgies every chance she could, with some of them being deeper than others. At the end of that 4 hours, Kristen and Torrie took their lunch break. When she got into the break room, Kristen struggled to pick her deepest wedgie of the day up to that point. Torrie heard the snap and said, "That wedgie must have been deep."

"Girl, you have NO idea. I've been fighting the urge to pick this wedgie for over an hour. I didn't have the chance to do it until I got into this room," Kristen explained as she grabbed her ass to see if she needed to continue picking her wedgie.

They ate and talked throughout their break. At the end of their break, Kristen threw her trash away and picked a deep wedgie as she wiggled her ass. Torrie saw the wiggle and said, "That wedgie must have been more uncomfortable than usual. You don't normally shake your butt as you pick a wedgie unless your panties are uncomfortable."

"That's exactly what happened. These panties are so uncomfortable that I felt the need to shake my butt as I was picking the wedgie."

They left the break room and went back to work. Over the last 4 hours of the shift, Kristen continued to pick wedgies whenever she could. At the end of their shift, Kristen and Torrie hugged each other and went their separate ways. Kristen picked a deep wedgie on her way to her car. She left the hospital to go to the grocery store to buy a few things.

She went to the store and went to the bathroom. When she got to the bathroom, she pulled the waistband of her pants below her ass and repeatedly tugged at the back of her panties to pick the massive wedgie she had, as her panties were constantly going deep into her ass while she was at work. Once she became satisfied with her panties comfortably being out of her ass, she left the bathroom to buy what she needed and went home.

After getting home and putting her groceries away, Kristen went to her bedroom and changed into a white tank top and pink satin pajama shorts. She picked a deep wedgie as she went into the living room. She texted Owen and Torrie letting them know that she was back at home and to come over whenever they were ready. While she was waiting for Owen and Torrie to come over, she texted Candice, Michelle, Jennifer, and Heidi to let them know about the New Year's celebration at her house.

Owen was the first one to arrive. They kissed and went into the living room. Owen saw how deep Kristen's wedgie was and said, "Your ass looks amazing in those shorts, babe."

"Thanks," Kristen said with a smile as she picked the deep wedgie while wiggling her ass.

"I love that wiggle you just did while you were picking the wedgie. That was hot."

"Thanks, babe. I did it because I knew you'd love it. Not only that, but the panties I have on have been going SO far up my ass all day."

Torrie was the next one to show up. Everybody started talking in the living room as the rest of the group arrived one by one. Once the entire group was there, Kristen changed the TV channel to one of the live New Year's Eve celebrations being shown from another part of the country. In the few hours left until midnight, they talked and listened to the musical performances playing on the show. Kristen would pick a wedgie every so often while this was going on.

After midnight, everybody left other than Owen and Torrie. "Hey, Kristen. I noticed that you were still picking your wedgies when everybody was here earlier. What's going on with your panties?" Torrie asked.

"I'm still wearing the same pair of panties I had on when we were at work."

"That explains why you were struggling to pick some of the wedgies. Your panties were going deep into your butt."

"The wedgies I've had since I got home haven't been as deep or as uncomfortable as the one I had when I got to the grocery store after work. I went into the bathroom at the grocery store and pulled my pants below my ass. That's when I saw that my panties were so far up my butt that they looked like a thong, so I stayed in there pulling the massive wedgie out until my panties were out of my butt."

"It seems like your panties were really uncomfortable."

"They were. Which is sad because these panties look cute."

"That IS sad. You find a cute pair of panties you really like, only for them to be one of the worst pairs you have because of how much they ride up your butt."

"Yeah. I need to be going to bed soon. I don't work tomorrow, but I am getting tired," Kristen said as she looked at the time.

"Same here. See you guys later," Torrie said as she hugged Kristen and left. Owen asked, "Did you want me to stay here tonight, since I don't work tomorrow either?"

"Sure," Kristen answered. Kristen picked a deep wedgie as they went into her bedroom. They climbed into bed and snuggled a bit before falling asleep.

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