Chapter 30: Torrie's New Male Friend

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About six weeks after Mother's Day, Kristen woke up alone, as Owen had already left for work. She climbed out of bed and picked a wedgie. She went to the kitchen and found a note in front of the coffee pot, which was partially full of freshly made coffee. The note read, "Good morning, beautiful. I had an early shift at work today. I hope you have a wonderful day. I'll see you this evening. Love, Owen." She made herself a cup of coffee and sat on the couch to watch TV.

About an hour later, Kristen turned the TV off. She stood up and picked a wedgie. She went into the bedroom and changed into a pair of blue striped high cut briefs, a pink bra, and blue scrubs. Kristen felt her panties go deep into her butt almost immediately because the elastic in the leg holes was stretched, as she had owned them awhile. However, she didn't have time to change, as she needed to be at work soon. She picked the deep wedgie before climbing into her car to leave.

She arrived at the hospital. She got out of her car and picked a deep wedgie. She went to the wing she worked on and saw Torrie. "Hey, Kristen!" Torrie said as she hugged Kristen. "Hey. How's your day going so far?" Kristen asked as she picked a wedgie. "I'm good. I'm really excited about this new guy I've been talking to. He's amazing!" Torrie beamed. "That's awesome, Torrie. I'm so happy for you. I hope everything works out," Kristen said sincerely.

"I do, too. He's just so kind and thoughtful. And he makes me feel so special," Torrie said as her face lit up.

"What's his name?" Kristen asked, curious about the man who seemed to have captured Torrie's heart. " His name is David. He's a nurse in another part of the hospital," Torrie answered, her face lighting up as she said his name. "He's just so... I don't know. He makes me feel safe and loved, and that's something I've never really had before. It's nice to finally have that in my life."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a code blue over the intercom. Torrie grabbed her stuff and hurried off down the hall. Kristen went the opposite direction down the hall toward her first patient's room.

After talking to her first patient and their family, Kristen checked on her other patients and went to the nurse's station. As she walked down the hall, she couldn't help but think about the wedgie she had and how deep it was. She picked the wedgie and thought, "These panties are the worst. They're going so far up my butt."

As she continued making her rounds, Kristen noticed a familiar face among the patients and their families. It was none other that David, the man Torrie had been talking about earlier. He usually worked in a different part of the hospital, but they occasionally crossed paths.

David was 34 years old, with short brown hair that was beginning to gray at the temples. His eyes were a piercing shade of blue. He stood 5'9" and had an athletic build with broad shoulders and a lean, toned physique.

As Kristen walked up to David, she couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous. She had never really talked to him before, but something about him made her feel at ease. "I'm sorry to bother you, but you look familiar. Is your name David, by any chance?" Kristen said as she approached David. David looked at Kristen and answered, " Yes it is. Why do you ask?"

Kristen extended her hand in greeting. She said, "I don't think we've officially met. I'm Kristen, one of Torrie's closest friends. She's been talking about you so much lately." David smiled and shook her hand. He replied, "It's nice to finally meet you, Kristen. Torrie has told me a lot about you too. She's obviously very fond of you."

They chatted for a few minutes. David seemed genuinely interested in what Kristen had to say, which made her feel even more at ease. "So, what brings you to this part of the hospital?" David asked.

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