Chapter 20: Christmas Shopping with Heidi

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The next morning, Kristen and Owen woke up and talked a bit. Owen got up and started making coffee and breakfast while Kristen sent Heidi a text saying she would be leaving to pick Heidi up after breakfast. Kristen got out of bed and picked a deep wedgie. She changed into a black bra and a pair of purple high-cut briefs. She went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. Owen looked at her ass and said, "Your ass looks nice."

"Thanks, babe," Kristen said with a smile as she picked a wedgie. Kristen went to the living room to watch TV while Owen finished making breakfast. A few minutes later, Owen brought Kristen her food and sat on the couch next to her. Kristen kissed him and thanked him for making everything.

After breakfast, Owen gave Kristen a goodbye kiss and left. Kristen picked a wedgie and went to her bedroom to put on a pair of jeans and a shirt she bought at the concert a few months earlier. The seam of her jeans, along with a little bit of the fabric on the back, went up her butt. "I don't remember these pants going up my butt the last time I wore them," she thought as she picked a wedgie. She sent Heidi a text saying she was on her way.

Kristen arrived at Heidi's house to pick her up. Heidi is 29 years old, with blue eyes, shoulder length blonde hair, a fair complexion, and an average build with a bubble butt. Heidi got into Kristen's car and they went to the town the concert was in. They went to the mall first. They got out of the car and Kristen picked a wedgie. Heidi noticed and asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I had a wedgie. The seam on the back of my pants is riding up my butt, making my panties go further up my butt than they normally do."

"I have a couple pairs of jeans that do that. It's so uncomfortable when it happens."

"It really is."

They started looking around in one of the stores. While they were there, Kristen could feel her pants ride up her butt again. "Man. These pants are riding up so much," she thought as she struggled to pick the deep wedgie.

They looked around in a few other stores within the mall. As they were going to the car, Kristen picked a wedgie. Heidi heard the snap Kristen's panties made and said, "Those pants must really be uncomfortable. You keep picking your wedgies."

"It's not just the pants. My panties constantly ride up my butt regardless of what I wear."

"What do you think is causing your panties to ride up so much?"

"It's a combination of my panties being a size smaller than what I need and the fact that I have a bit of an ass."

"Have you thought about buying a size bigger than what you need?"

"I have thought of that. I haven't been to the underwear store in our local mall in a few months, though."

"We could stop there on the way home."

"I was gonna do that, anyway."

They ate lunch, then went to their local mall. They got there and Kristen picked a deep wedgie. They went to the underwear store and Jennifer was there to greet them. "Hey, Kristen. How are you?" Jennifer asked as she hugged Kristen.

"I'm doing okay, other than the wedgies I'm getting in these pants."

"That tells me you're looking for panties. Let me know if you need anything."

Kristen and Heidi look around for a few minutes, with Kristen picking a few wedgies during that span. When they were ready to check out, Jennifer asked, "Did you guys find what you were looking for?"

"We did," Kristen said before introducing Jennifer and Heidi to each other. After leaving the underwear store, Kristen dropped Heidi off at home. Kristen went home and took her shirt and pants off. As she was taking her pants off, the seam and some of the fabric were stuck inside her butt, similar to what happened with her sweatpants the day before. She picked a deep wedgie and started her usual video call with Owen.

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