Chapter 10: Owen's Weekend at Kristen's Part 1

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A week after her shopping trip with Jennifer, Kristen woke up with a text from Owen saying that he had a few errands to run before coming over. She told him not to worry about buying lunch, as she would make it. Owen agreed and Kristen got out of bed. She changed into a pair of gray string bikini panties and matching bra made by an international company.

As she waited for Owen, Kristen started a load of laundry and watched TV for a bit. A little while later, she got up to continue working on laundry and felt her panties ride up her butt. She picked her wedgie and started another load of laundry. She looked at the time and realized that she needed to start lunch.

A few minutes into making lunch, Owen sent a text saying he was on his way. Kristen greeted him at the door with a kiss. He saw her ass and the slight wedgie she had and said, "Your ass looks nice in those panties." Kristen smiled and picked her wedgie. As they were about to eat, Owen asked, "Are you not gonna get dressed?"

"I have no reason to get dressed. I'm not going anywhere."

"That's true. We don't really have anywhere to go right now," Owen said. Kristen picked a wedgie and they ate lunch.

After lunch, Kristen started another load of laundry. As she got to the couch, she picked a wedgie. Owen noticed and asked, "Got a wedgie?"

"Yeah. These panties like to slowly ride up my butt. None of the wedgies have been that bad so far, but they've been uncomfortable when they do ride up," Kristen explained as she started snuggling with Owen.

They start discussing what to have for supper. When the discussion ended, Kristen started her last load of laundry. She picked her biggest wedgie of the day up to that point. They snuggled and watched TV a bit longer. As they were snuggling, Kristen's panties slowly went up her butt. She decided not to do anything about it at that moment because she was comfortable otherwise.

A bit later, Kristen went into the kitchen to start supper, picking the deep wedgie she had before doing so. Owen saw her pick the wedgie and heard her panties snap and said, "That one sounded deep. How long were they up your butt this time?"

"They started going up my butt right after I started snuggling with you this last time. I didn't pick it out until I came in here just now."

Kristen started cooking, then got the last load of laundry out of the dryer and took it to her bedroom so she could fold it and put it away after supper. She picked a wedgie after checking the food.

They ate and washed dishes together. Then Owen went into Kristen's room with her as she started folding her laundry and putting it away. While she did this, her panties started riding up her butt. At first, she would stop and pick her wedgies. But she eventually decided to leave her panties up her butt until after she finished putting her laundry away. Once she was finished, her panties were so far up her butt that they looked like a thong. She struggled to pick her wedgie, but she held on to it for a few seconds once she did. They got into Kristen's bed and started snuggling. Owen said, "I saw you struggle to pick your wedgie just now. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. That happens if I leave it alone for too long, or if the pants or shorts I'm wearing are too tight for me to pick the wedgie underneath. A recent example of this is the day I went shopping with Jennifer. I wore a tight pair of white shorts with that bodysuit. When I took those shorts off after I got home, the part of the bodysuit that's supposed to cover your ass looked like a thong because those shorts were so tight that I couldn't properly pick the bodysuit out without pulling my shorts below my ass."

"I'm sorry you've been having such a rough time with your wedgies lately."

"I'll be fine, babe. Thanks for listening to me ramble about how uncomfortable my wedgies can be."

"Anything for you, love."

They kissed before continuing to snuggle and talked for a bit. After she went to the bathroom, Kristen picked a wedgie and went to bed.

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