Chapter 1

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I lay here beside Tessa as she sleeps I surprisingly woke up before her maybe because I can't stop overthinking lately Tessa is 4 almost 5 months pregnant the miscarriage really brought her down it was almost like life was drained from her ,but now it's back and she has such an amazing glow of her

I gently rub Tessa's growing stomach she thinks she is bigger than she is and complains everyday which I tell her it's nonsense well her boobs have got bigger that's a plus.

"Morning"she runs her eyes "Morning babe"I say to her pushing the hair back from her eyes and she frowns "what's wrong?"

"I was just thinking I'm almost 5 months we don't have a stroller or a crib a changing table.."she goes on and on naming everything we apparently need "Tess we have time"

"Time time"she scoffs "no I need to go right now I feel so unorganised"

"It's 8am"I say mad she looks at me like I said something crazy "shops opening at 9 I'll be ready for them"she climbs out of the bad and I laugh at her and she rolls her eyes at me throwing a pillow at me "get dressed"she says and I pull her arm "you could come back to bed"I compromise and I can see her think about it "Hardin you know what the doctor say we can't have sex for 5 weeks and that was 2 weeks ago"

"Fuck what the doctor said"The doctor said because Tessa had a kidney infections couple of weeks ago so apparently that means we can't have sex "Hardin..I want to but I don't want to take the risk"

"Fine fine I guess we could wait"I say and she lifts my t-shirt over her head and my eyes wising why did she have to do that now I definitely want to fuck her "Tesssss"I whine like a child "control yourself"she says walking away and I pull myself out of bed into our kitchen it will only take me 5 minutes to get dressed

Once we are both ready we leave to head to what ever baby store it is Tessa wanted to go to.She takes makes my hand as we walk down the street "Are you excited to find out the gender"She asks me "yeah I guess"

"You don't sound that excited"she says to me "I am excited I just was worried we wouldn't get to this"I honestly tell her and goes quiet for a moment "me to"

We make our way into the store Tessa already knows exactly what she is looking for I grab a cart but I have a feeling we will need a second one.

And I was right 30 minutes in and the cart was full All I heard from Tessa was "look at this...isn't that the cutest...we would be idiots not to get this"bla bla bla

"I'll pay"Tessa hands her card out to the cashier "no I will"I try to hand mine "Hardin don't worry I'll get it"

"No Tessa I will"I say back to her and the cashier is just looking at us and I hand my card and Essa walks ahead out of the store

"Tessa wait up"I call for her but she ignore me damn it "Tessa"

"What Hardin"

"Why are you annoyed"

"Because Hardin I wanted to pay for it"she tells me ""I didn't mind paying for it"

"But you pay for everything you never let me pay a thing"

"Because you deserve to have your stuff paid for you"

"I have money you know"she walks ahead it's true maybe I do pay for Tessa all the time but that's becuase I have the money form the books and what I saved up I know she has a good wage but I still rather pay for her it feels like the right thing to do

We get back to the apartment the store said the stuff will be able to be delivered in the next hour I hear Tessa going down the hall and shutting the bedroom door I didn't think she would still be this annoyed but at the same time she has just been overreacting to stuff lately I think it's the hormones.

"Tess"I gently knock on the door and push it open and see she is sleeping I pull the blanket over her.

I go back outside to the sound of someone at the door "I'm coming"I shout out

Once all the stuff is inside I decide to try attempt to put the crib together it shouldn't be hard.

There two  hour later and I have the crib together I put the sheets and pillows in and the baby chair or whatever it is, weirdly enough my eyes start to tear I don't know why this is making me all emotional maybe it's because I thought I couldn't have this after Tessa I quickly wipe the tear that escaped after hearing Tessa calling me "Hardin"

"I'm in here"

"What are you.....did you do this"she walks straight to the crib "Hardin"her voice breaks and she turns to me "I..I"she tries to get her words out but just starts crying I quickly wrap my arms around her letting it all out "sorry I'm just overly emotional"she lets out a laugh making me laugh "I just didn't think we would get this chance but know we are"she smiles at me wrapping her arms around me "me to"I kneel my head on hers and we just stand there in silence "and I am sorry for being overly annoying earlier you know the hormones"she says "oh yeah yeah blame the hormones"I joke and move my hands to her stomach "I cannot wait until she is here"

"She?"she questions me "I know it's going to be a girl  I'm always right"I tell her "well we will see next week"I know I'm right I know it's going to be a girl imagine that a little blue eyed blonde hair baby who looks just like Tessa that would be perfect I wonder what we would name her ? Now I am excited to find out the gender "you know what Tess"


"It's only 3 weeks until we can have sex"

"I will be counting down the minutes....but you know just because you can't do anything to me doesn't mean I can't do anything to you"she looks at me with those eyes and I'm already hard I take her hand and take her out of the baby room and I'm not getting a blown on in my unborns child's room

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now