Chapter 24

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It's been a little over a month since Emery has started school and she is settled in really well ,Emery comes running out the school door "thank god it's Friday"She hands me her bag "did you have a good day"

"It's was ok"she tells me "where's mommy"she asks "I'm actually not sure"I tell her "Em do you think mommy has been acting strange lately"I ask when we get into the car "I don't think so..wait I seen her stick a needle in her tummy"

"A what"

"A needle"she repeats "when did you see this"

"The other morning I peeped through the bathroom"she tells me why would Tessa been sticking needles into her self she has been acting so weird lately she keeps locking the bathroom door and going to an unusual amount of doctors appointments "maybes she is on her mansrun"Emery says "her what"
"Her mansrun cycle"

"Mansrun...menstrual wait how do you know what that is"I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders.We get back and I make Emery a snack and try to call Tessa but she doesn't answer

Can't answer I'll call you in a minute X

What is she up to "Emery go get ready you have swim today"I remind her "your bag is under the stairs and you swimsuit is in your top drawer"
I call down to her.

"Have you seen my swim hat"She comes back out with her swimsuit on "I think it's in my room"I go check and out it into her bag she just puts a tack suit over her swim suit and we leave.Emery is really confident in the water.once we arrive Emery goes and gets ready and I put her stuff in the locker "I'll be outside have fun"I tell her and go out to the seating area and she waves at me before jumping into the pool ,I'm still so confused about what is going on with Tessa and annoyed we usually tell each other everything.

      Just home where are you and EmeryX

At swim X
     Oh ye I  completely forgot do yous want dinner ??

I'll grab something on the way back

"Daddy"Emery calls form the pool "watch me swim"she asks me and I stand up and she gets out of the pool diving back in and swimming to the end and back "how was that"

"That was great"

"I'm trying to beat my time"she tells me swimming again and than stops "daddy time me I have to beat 45 seconds to there"she tells me and I take out my stop watch "ok go"I say and she starts swimming
"How long was that"
"43 seconds"

"Yes I have beat my time"she says proudly "look your instructor is calling you"I tell her and she swims away

"It's freezing"she tells me once she gets out hurting to the changing room and I put her towel over her and she goes and gets changed "I'm done"she opens the door"

"Here I'll dry your hair"we go over to the hairdryers and I dry most of her hair "did mommy call"she asks "she did she is at home"I tell her and we hurry to get into the car the rain is coming down heavy "the swim teacher said I can go into the more advanced group soon"she tells me proudly

"Did he that's great I'm so proud"I tell her pulling out of the parking lot.The more I'm thinking of Tessa the more I'm getting annoyed why would she lie about what ever she is doing if this was the other way around and I wasn't telling her something she would be so angry I can't even think straight right now I'm making myself more and more annoyed why is she been so secretive "DADDY watch the car"Emery screams and......

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now