Chapter 14

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Emery started crawling according to Tessa the other day but she just won't do it in front of me anytime she does it I miss it I bring her over to the new house to drop some stuff of I sit Emery across the empty living room I will get her to crawl "Emery look what I have"I hold up a baby biscuit "ahhhh" she holds her hands out "do you want it"I say to her and she nods her head "ok crawl over and get it"I try bribe her but she won't budge and than I hear the front door open "it's just me"Tessa calls and I quickly grab Emery Tessa keeps giving out to me for trying to force her to crawl "what have yous been doing"Tessa and "this isn't over"I whisper to Em and she giggles "what's in the bags"

"Oh just some new bedding for us and Emery"she holds up bags "me"Emery points "yes baby"we go down to the room our bed came yesterday and so did the couch "Tessa do we really need all those pillows"Tessa likes to decorate the bed with lids of pillows that she throws of the bed every night pointless "Yes it makes it look nice"she says taking the stuff out of the bag and we and Emery sit on the bed "mummy's crazy"

"Ahhh"she looks to Tessa "don't listen to him Emery"Tessa says to her and she turns back to me smiling god she is just so cute.Me and Emery are forced by Tessa to move so she can make the bed "I can't wait to move in now"she tells me "me to not long"we are almost done well Tessa is almost done decorating but we don't want to move in until we sell our current place which is hopefully soon "mama"Emery hold she'd hands up squeezing them "did she have any food"She asks me "Um no there where nothing here"

"I'll just have to feed her"she sits back on the bed lifting Emery up Tessa has only been breastfeeding 2 times if not no times a day unless she really needs to be fed since Emery has started eating food Tessa usually just pumps as Emery is feeding I can see her giving me the side eye and she holds onto Tessa's hand and her eyes start to close "your been really quiet"I say to Tessa and she turns her head to me "I'm just thinking I'm ready to move in"she tells me "we just really have to bring our clothes and some other little stuff"she looks back down at Emery and I lift her of Tessa laying her in the middle of us "why is she getting so big"Tessa says smiling down at our beautiful daughter "I know you where trying to get her to crawl"she smirks at me "I was...not"

"I could hear you"she lets out a little laugh "I don't know why she won't just do it"she says and goes silent "I want another one"she blurts out "what"

"I want another one another baby"her eyes meet mine and soften while she waits for me to reply "I would love another one Tess"I tell her honestly and she smiles "it's just I want another one I love Emery so much like I never knew I could love someone else so much like I do for her was so hard to conceive Emery what if it's not meant to happen again"she says her voice gone low "If it's meant to happen it will happen we can't force it remember we tried for months for Emery and just when we stopped trying when it happened"Emery rolls over onto her side opening her eyes "mama"she whines "shh I'm here Emery"Tessa says and she closes her eyes again of course I want more children but I would never put that pressure on Tessa if it's meant to happen it will but if it doesn't it doesn't we have Emery "ughhh I'm just can't myself upset over nothing"she says wiping under her eyes "Tessa your aloud to be upset"I try comfort her "I just want to forgot about it"she says and I listen "how about and I go over and get us some clothes and we stay here tonight"I say and her eyes light up "really"

"Of course I won't be long"I say getting up


About 30 minutes later I get back to the house and Emery is back up "dada hi"

"Hi baby" "I made us dinner"Tessa appears from the kitchen bringing out food we don't have a kitchen table yet so we just sit in the living room floor "mmm me"Emery starts to crawl over "Emery your crawling for dada"She smiles up as she makes her way across the room and I give her some pasta "mmm"she says reaching for more I hand her some "can I not have any"

"No"she says taking more, once we are done we get showered and changed we decided to try get Emery to sleep in her own room "Ok Emery time to go night night"I lay her in her crib "ni ni"she try's to give me a kiss "goodnight love"

"Goodnight baby"Tessa pulls her blanket over her so far so good we turn the light of and leave hopefully she stays there for the night

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