Chapter 29

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"Why are you both dropping me to school"Emery asks in the back seat "why are we not aloud"

"You are it's just strange"She says the truth is me and Emery are going to our first appointment our 12 week scan "have a great day at school"Tessa says and she just stares at her "it's school mom"she says jumping out of the car and we watch her go inside

We arrived at doctors and Tessa goes to get her blood and urine sample before we go for an ultrasound "their ready for us"Tessa startles me and I follow her down the hall "Tessa Hardin it's good to see you"the doctor greets us I don't know what Tessa never gets a female nurse, she lays back on the bed and he switches down the lights "this might be cold"he says and she takes my hand as he moves around her stomach and we watch the tiny screen "if you look right here is the baby's legs"He points to the screen and than he moves around some more and the head appears "I see ten fingers and than toes"

"Thank fuck"I say a little to loud and she nudges me and than we hear the heartbeat and I turn my head to her and her eyes are glued to the screen "well everything seems good the baby is growing at a healthy rate and there doesn't seem to be any need for panic"he reassures us I can't believe we are actually looking at our baby on the screen our baby our second baby "do you have any questions"

"When can we find out the sex"she asks him "I say your next appointment in four weeks would you like some pictures"

"Yes please"she says and he prints them of "I'll leave to to get to yourself ready if you have any questions feel free to call have a good day"

"Thank you"we both say at the same time and the doors shuts "and she sits up wiping her stomach and I help her down and she holds the photos in her hands and I see her smile "How are you feeling love"

"I'm just happy"she says taking my hand as we walk out "me to"I tell her and we go back it to the car and I look at the photos myself "I wonder what it will be"I she starts the car "I'm feeling boy"she says "really do you want a boy"

"It doesn't bother me but I think I would"she tells me I'm surprised I thought she would've wanted another girl "well I don't care what we have a long as he or she is healthy"we drive back to the house and Tessa's phone starts to ring "can you get that"she says and I take her phone "hello this is Brooklyn Elementary school Emery said she isn't feeling well we think it's a good idea if you come down and get her incase it's a bug"

"We will be right there"I say hanging up the phone "who was that"

"Emery's school they want us to come get her she said she is sick"

I go inside to get Emery and she is waiting at the office she does look really sick "daddy thank goddess"she says "what's wrong baby"

"My tummy really hurts"she says and I take her hand and we go back out to the car "hey Emery are you ok"Tessa asks her and I help her in "no mommy I don't feel so good"she lays her head back and we drive back to the house

When we get inside I bring her down to her room and Tessa gets her medicine "am I going to die"

"No of course your not"I tell her "I think I am"
"Emery trust me your not open"I say and she opens her mouth "yuck I'll die from drinking that"she says sticking out her tongue "ok little miss dramatics try rest here you can watch a movie"I give her the iPad and I leave the room "I'm going for a nap"Tessa tells me and I wrap my hands around her "want me join"I smirk at yer

"I'm going for an actual nap...but later"

"You said it"I say to her and she walks away and I go onto my laptop going to emails I hate replying to them all all the same shit bla bla bla "daddy I'm just getting a drink"I here Emery "ok love"I say to her "what the heck is this"she walks out holding the scan photos in her hand shit "umm there mummy's"

"What are they tell me know"I she crosses her arms "Emery..sit down"I say to her and she sits beside me "this is the worst day of my life first im dying and no there is going to be a stupid baby ughhhh"she storms away "Emery come back

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now