Chapter 10

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I woke up early and decided to go to the hospital and to sit with my dad I know Karen slept there last night I'll give her a break I go to the cafe and get two cups of coffee "morning"I go into the room still finding it hard to look at my dad "thank you how did you sleep how is Abby"I can tell she misses her "she is doing good she was still asleep when I left"

"Was she happy to see you she talks about you all the time"She smiles at me "why don't you go back to her I'll stay here"I offer "but...but I can't leave him"

"I'll be here Abby kisses yous she was asking where you where and your only 20 minutes away I'll call you if anything happens"

"Did she really ask"Shea asks worries and I nod "ok fine but if anything at all good or bad happens call me"she says before finally leaving and I sit on the chair beside my dads bed he just looks so lifeless
"Dad"I say I don't know why he probably can't hear me "it's Hardin"I say moving my chair closer "I came as soon as I could it all just happened so quick...."I try to think about what to say "Emery is doing good you have met her once and since then she has gotten so much bigger in the last few weeks and been a dad made me realise I shouldn't have hated you so much growing up even though at times you deserved it but still I but the blame on everything onto you I gave my mum shit you shit everyone around me shit I hated the world so much and than when I was older you where trying to look out and help me and I wanted none of it I'm surprised you didn't just let me go because I gave you hell all the time and Karen I hated her and I didn't realise yous where one of the few people who cared about me and I know you where absent much of my childhood but you have Abby now who looks up to you so much"I say and try to catch my breathe I feel like I'm about to cry "and you can't leave her she is only 4 you have so much ahead with her and Karen you can't leave Karen you have to be ok for them...for me"my voice breaks and I feel the tears fall this is the most I have ever poured my head out to my dad but seeing him like this makes me so emotional maybe because now I'm a dad and he has a daughter so young and I know what it feels like I don't want Abby to feel the same

"I love you dad"I move back and wipe my eyes I got to get out of here I leave the room "Hardin man are you ok"I bump into Landon "I'm fine"I keep walking until I reach the door and that's when I realise he isn't going to wake back up that was my goodbye to him I take out my phone and call my mum because she needs to know

"Hardin is everything ok"

"'s dad Ken I said goodbye to him"I say and the phone goes silent "mum?"

"Is he"

"No but I know"I say to her "Hardin"I hear Tessa's voice "Tessa"

"I'm here Hardin your ok"The thing with me and Tessa is we know how eachother are feeling even when we are not together "Tessa is there anyway you can be here"

"What about Emery she doesn't have a passport"

"I don't know I just"I breathe in and out "call Vance"I say to her "what why"

"Because remember he got your passport in a couple of days he can do it for Emery"I tell her "actually I'll call him now"I say and hang up and call Vance he says he knows someone that can do it in 3 days he just needs Emery's photos I text Tessa and tell her and she says she is going now to get them done

4 days later
Sadly Ken passed away not long after I got of the phone with Hardin it's been hard for him I know it has and I'm so glad he got to be there and say goodbye and I'm also glad Vance was able to pull some strings and get Emery a passport and this morning me,Emer and Trish are flying to Washington she has been very quiet the last few days .

We get to the airport and thankfully we fly through check in "Emery are you excited my love"Trish takes Emery from me they have really bonded the last few days and thank god she is here because travelling through the airport with a baby is hard . We board the plane and  get into our seats Emery has falling alseep hopefully she stays for a while Trish also falls asleep not long after we take of

I try not to think of Ken to much because it makes me upset he was like a dad to me and helped me so much with everything "ahhh"I hear Emery starting to cry and I lift her out of her seat "now mommy's here"I sit her on my lap I put a blanket around me and her and she starts to feed 

This is your captain speaking please fasten your seatbelts we will be making our descent into Washington airport shortly

"We are going to be with daddy soon"I say to her strapping her seat and she smiles "I'm so excited to see Hardin"trish says smiling at Emery and she smiles back "me to it feels like forever"I tell her and the plane starts to land

We get of the plane and now are waiting for Hardin he told us he will pick us up from the airport "oh there he is"Trish says pouting towards the door and Hardin comes through the door "Hardin"I wrap my arms around him "Tessa I have missed you"he says embracing me in his arms "oh my beautiful princess look at you"he says picking up Emery's seat and she smiles "I've missed you baba"he kisses her

We make our way back to Karen and Ken's "Tessa trish I'm so happy yous are here"Karen's greets us at the door "Karen I'm so sorry"trish says to her and she takes a breathe in "sorry it's just been so hard"

"I understand"Trish says back and they both go inside and than me and Hardin follow in we go straight up stairs to the bedroom I know there is lots of people here .Emery has falling back asleep and I sit beside Hardin on the bed "are you ok"I play with his here "I am now"he says and just looks at me studying my face "what's wrong"I ask him pulling him closer to me and he starts to cry something he never really does "I just regret so much"

"Hardin you have nothing to regret"I tell him holding his face wiping his tears "I treated him horribly"

"You did but you changed and you have had a great relationship the last few years don't think of the past"I tell him "I don't think I can go tomorrow"he shakes his head "you can Hardin I know you will regret it"I tell him and for the rest of the night we lay there as he cries to me until he falls asleep

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now