Chapter 5

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It's been 5 weeks since Hardin has been gone and I miss him like crazy I have been watching all his interviews online and on the TV everyone he does he attached just above his eyebrow I told me he does this for me to notice.I have just been at home preparing for the baby I redecorated the baby room 5 times and reorganised the baby's ,mine and Hardin's closet.

I have gotten much bigger since Hardin left it is hard to do some stuff on my own like reaching stuff of high shelf's or bending down to pick stuff up ,I have still been trying to think of baby's names I don't really have many it's so hard trying to find the right name so far Hardin really like the name Josephine but call her Jo for short but I don't know I'm not really feeling it I kinda like Elle I found it really pretty but it just doesn't feel like my baby girls name

What about Cara ????

Not feeling it how about Avery ? He texts back

Mila ?

Aria ?

Ivy ?

I'm starting to think our baby won't have a name I text him back let's just call her baby he suggest

We can't just call her baby she will be made fun of

I'm joking I wouldn't actually want to name our child that let's just call her Tessie junior

Hardin you know I hate that name I can picture him laughing to himself right now

You still there ?? He texts me after I didn't reply yes sorry just thinking

Well I think you should get some sleep good night Tess X

Goodnight love you xx I say putting my phone down and than it starts to ring "Hardin are you ok"

"I just wanted to hear your voice saying goodnight"he says making me smile "Goodnight Hardin"

"Goodnight Tessie"He says and I groan "Hardin"I say and he hangs up and I go to sleep

The next morning I wake up with the worst back pains i can barely get up maybe it's just the way I slept I turn on the tv to watch Hardin on the news

"This morning we have writer Hardin Scott"I smile when he comes onto screen but I can't really concentrate with this pain in my lower back I mange to stand up and the pain starts to get a bit worse I take my phone out and research what it could be everything coming up said it could be close labour because I'm so close to my due date I call my doctors just to make sure and she said everything should be fine but if it continues till tonight I should come in what am I meant to do if I go into labour Hardin isn't here and I don't want to ring and scare him incase it's nothing and I couldn't have the baby now I still have 3 weeks to go

I go out to the living room and walk around the pain just seem to be going down and I can feel the baby moving I just take deep breath's trying to relax myself "baby you have to stay in there a little longer ok"I rub my stomach

It's been 4 hours and I decide I call Nora to come over because I really don't want to be here alone and I'm still in so much pain

"I got here as soon as I could how are you feeling"

"I honestly feel like I'm going into labour it feels like the baby is making this way out over times the pains and there every 7 minutes

"Oh shit Tessa they are contractions"she says "no Nora Hardin isn't here"

"I'm calling him"she says taking out her phone "Hardin it's Nora...Tessa might be going into labour....will you be able.....ok I'll keep texting"

"What did he say"

"He said he is going to leave right now"she tells me she takes my hospital bag from my room and we both go to the car and I start to cry "Tessa"she wraps her arms around me "what if Hardin doesn't make it here"

"Let's not worry about that ok"she gives me a sympathetic smile and starts the car

I got a flight for in 1 hour Hardin texts me

"Hardin said he got a flight in one hour"I tell Nora "that's good"She says and continues driving.We get to the hospital and I'm brought to a room thankfully Nora is here because I would be so scared alone "Tessa your 3 centimetres dilated your doing good"

"And is there no issues with the baby not been due for another 3 weeks"

"No not at all these things happen she might just be a little smaller than we would like but that's nothing to worry about you and your baby are in the best of hands here"My doctors says leaving

"How are you feeling"Nora sits beside me well try's "still in pain but excited baby girl will be here early" "aww Tess"she hugs me again "everything is going to be fine and soon you will have your little baby in your arms"she tells me "I'm going down to the cafeteria I'll be back"she says

3 more hours go by and I have only dilated one centimetre but at least my water broke hopefully Hardin is on his flight I haven't heard from him since his last text

My contractions are more close together now "Well Tessa your dilated 7 centimetres should be to long now"the nurse tells me and I really start to panic Hardin's flight should be landing soon and 7 hours I have been in labour "Here Tessa drink"Nora gives me a drink I'm just so exhausted

"Ok Tessa you should be ready to push soon"The nurse comes in "no no I can't Hardin isn't here"I lol not Nora "Tessa when it's time you have to"Nora says to me I can't believe this "but Hardin"

"Tessa I don't know what to say"Nora says and my eyes start to tear and she takes my hand am I actually doing this without him

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now