Chapter 28

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"Ugh I hate this stupid boot"Emery kicks it if the wall "honey you have only had it on one day and that's not going to help"I tell her and she huffs "I thought I heard you complaining"Hardin appears at the door "look at that"Hardin says lifting up her chin "what what is it daddy"she says "your have a little cut right here"he taps her forehead "you look like Harry Potter"he teases her "that's not even funny"she crosses her arms "it's was"he laughs "noooo"she throws her arms out "mommy do I look like Harry Potter"

"No you don't"I try hold my laugh in "I'm only joking princess"Hardin says helping her up onto the chair "I had a scary dream last night"

"Why did you come into us"Hardin asks her "because when I got to your door I heard strange noises so I went back to my room"she says and me and Hardin's eyes go wide "what do you mean strange noises"

"I don't really knowing exactly what they where can you help me down"she says and he lifts her back down "oh my god I can't believe she heard us having sex"I say embarrassed and he just laughs "Hardin it's not funny"

"It kinda is at least she didn't know what it was"he stays putting his hands on my shoulder "I know it's just embarrassing she heard"

"She will forgot about it"he try's to tell me "I hope"I say and I gag "what's wrong?"he asks me "the smell of whatever your cooking is making me sick"I cover my mouth with my hands and hurry to the toilet,I wipe my mouth groaning and Hardin comes in "I think you should go back to bed"he helps me up and I go to the bedroom sitting down on the bed "I have so much to do"I try g ye up but he pushes me back down "you don't just rest I'll take care of Emery"

"But your injured"I tell him "I'm not that injured"he reminds me "mommy are you ok"Emery comes in "in just feeling a bit sick"I tell her "daddy please leave"she points to the door "excuse me it's my room"

"I need to tell mommy something important no go"she pushes him out of the room "is everything ok"I say and she stands beside me "I know what you and daddy where doing"

"What do you mean?"

"Last night I know what those strange noises where I just didn't want to say it in front of daddy"she tells me and I don't know what to say "yous where having sex"she whispers "Emery where did you learn that"
She just shrugs her shoulders "well we don't need to bring it up anything you shouldn't know about that till your older"

"Is that how babies are made"she asks "sometimes"
"What do you mean sometimes"How am I meant to explain this "sometimes if the parent are lucky they will get a baby"

"Are you going to get one"

"Do you want one"

"No no way"she shakes her head no "why not wouldn't you like a brother of sister"

"No baby's are annoying,stinky,cry all the time and I'm your baby"she stares at me "will I always be your baby mommy"

"Of course you will"I smile at her "good"she hugs me "can you please get me a glass of water"I ask her "ok"she skips out do the room ,I can't believe Emery said that about having another baby no I definitely don't want to tell her "here you go"Hardin comes in with the water "Where's Emery"

"You show came on"he smiles sitting beside me "you know what Emery said to me she doesn't want a baby"

"How did that come up"

"Because she told me she knew what we where doing and asked if that how babies are made and than I just asked what would she think and she hated the idea"I huff "that girl hates everything I'm surprised she doesn't hate us"He says and I drop my head back down morning sickness is not fun I hope this doesn't last to long.

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now