Chapter 35

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5 hours Tessa has been in labour and she has only dilated 5cm and I can see she is exhausted "why owing he just come out"she says kneeling over the edge of the bed and I rub her back for her "you just made a nice home for him"I say to her and I feel her turn to me she just makes a face and turns back to face the bed "I need to sit back down"she tells me and I help her up onto the bed "oh god"she breathes "get me the doctor I need the drugs"

"Are you sure your doing-"

"Get me the drugs"geez she is a monster "ok ok I will"I leave the room and try find a nurse or doctor "excuse me I'm Tessa's partner she wants the epidural"I ask the nurse "I'll go give her a quick check now"I follow her into the room

"Tessa your now about 7cm it's to late for the epidural"The nurse tells her now she has to face Tessa "ok"is all Tessa says and the nurse smiles leaving "this is your fault"she turns to me

"What how"

"You got me pregnant now I have to go through this pain"I don't even respond to her because I will laugh I just take her hand and I can feel her relax "I'm sorry I'm just exhausted"she says to me "don't worry love I understand"I push her hair back "what if something is wrong"She looks at me "why would something be wrong"

"I don't know I'm just overthinking"she sighs "everything will be fine Tess I promise"

About 2 hours go by and they tell Tessa that she is finally ready to push now that we are so close to the baby I am a little bit nervous "Ok Tessa on your next contraction I want you to push ok"The nurse says and I stand close to her "get big push"She says and Tessa squeezes my hand "ok I can see the baby's head take a deep breath and get ready to push"Tessa pushes again "One more push and baby should be here"I hear tessa take a big breathe "last time keep going..keep going...."I hear the nurse say and than I just see my baby been held up and he he starts to cry and so does Tessa "congratulations a healthy boy"the nurse smiles "and she places him on Tessa's chest "Hardin look"she cries

"our baby"I look down at my son laying on Tessa and he stops crying and he looks up at Tessa "he is looking at you love"I say to her and she smiles at  me I take my phone out and take a photo of them "I love him so much"she says still crying thank god it's happy tears "me to love"I push her hair back "would you like to cut the cord"one of the nurses comes over and I stand up and she takes him of Tessa handing me the scissors "I'll get him weighed and cleaned"the nurses says and I follow her over and she lays Auden down and he starts crying "don't cry little man"I cry to get him to stop "he is a big boy 9.5 "god poor Tessa

The nurse wraps a blanket around him and hands him to me he is much heavier to what Emery was she was tiny compared to him "hi Auden"I say to him and he is just looking at me and I go over to Tessa "9.5 he was I"I tell her and her eyes go wide "you may have damaged mummy"

"Hardin"She says and I place him back on her chest "I think he may be hungry"I tell her he was doing the same thing Emery did when she would be hungry "she pulls down her gown and he starts to feed "I forgot this felt weird"she tells me "he doesn't have my hair"she points to him you can see the dark brown already....

Sorry guys for been inactive 😢

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now