Chapter 21

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We have had such a great few days in Paris deeming Tessa having a good time makes me happy she really loved it here I hope someday we can come back with Emery.

Tonight is our last night and I planned a surprise for Tessa we are going to go up the Eiffel Tower when's it's dark we are going to take a both cruise down the river and have a dinner and than go up the Eiffel Tower and take in the city lights

"What do you have planned"Tessa comes out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her "it's called a surprise for a reason"

"But I hate surprises ii know that"She plops down on the bed "to bad your going to have to wait love"

"Fine at least tell me what to wear"

"Just something nice but make sure to wrap up warm it will be cold"I say and she eyes me she is trying to figure out what I have planned she try's to get of the bed and I pull her towel if "Hardin"she shrieks trying to get it back of me but than she smiles jumping back of the bed "come back I try grab her"

"Sorry"she shuts the bathroom door "you think your money wait until later"I tell her something about been in Paris has made Tessa 10x horny I don't know if it's all the wine she is drinking .I go get myself dressed and wait for her to come out "I'm ready"she says coming out all dressed "gorgeous"I place a gentle kiss on her forehead "let's go"I wrap my arm around her "please just tell me where we're going"she begs "you will see in a moment"we get into our taxi

"Here we are sir and madam enjoy your evening"Our driver says "ready"I say when we reach the boat "what where are we going"

"On a river boat cruise love"I hold her hand as we walk on "don't be nervous"

"I'm not..not that much"she admits sitting closer to me and I pour us some wine "here is to our last night"she says holding up her glass "cheers my love"our glasses clink together "so romantic"she says taking hand "well you know me Mr romantic"and she looks at me and her lips part and I move my hand up her tigh and rub just outside her tights and she inhales quickly "Hardin"she whispers "what love I'm just touching"I say and she looks around if only she didn't have tights on "people could see"she whispers

"It's only us"i whisper back to her and a shiver takes troughs her body "rip your tights"


"Just in the middle rip your tights"I say to her and she looks a bit reluctant so I do it for her "Hardin"

"What you can't say this isn't better"I move her under wear to the side and she moves closer and I slowly enter my fingers pumping in and out and she grabs onto my hand "go on tell me how it feels doing this on a boat out in public"I kiss down her neck " good she says and I pump harder and can feel her tensing up "go on Tessa cum for me"I whisper to her and she does trying to catch her breathe.

"Sir we have reached your destination"An employee tells us "ready"I take her hand and she adjusts her self and we make our way of the boat "the Eiffel Tower we where already here"She questions "we haven't been to the top"

"Where actually going up"her eyes light up "I thought you didn't want to your scared of heights"The other night Tessa wanted to go up but I had this planned so I pretended not to want to "I just pretend"

"Aren't you sweet"she says ,once we get to the top the view is out of this world but thank god we rapped up because it's fucking cold "you can see everything from up here thank you so much"she says wrapping her arms around me "smile"I take my phone and take a photo of us both I hate photos put Tessa loves them and I do kinda want to look back on photos of this day "would you like me to take one"someone asks us "yes please"Tessa replies and I hand my phone "there got a good one"he hands me back my phone and we thank him "oh that is a good one I love it"she says and when she looks away I set it as my Lock Screen photo 


Hardin really went all out tonight he thinks I didn't see him change his lock screen but I did I didn't want to say it to him because he gets embarrassed "I don't want to go home"I say I just love it here everything about it but I miss Emery so much this is the longest I have been away from her "I love it here to but little terror is waiting for us at home"

"One more photo"he kisses me and I hear the camera click "wait one more"he clicks the camera again taking a photo of me on my own "Hardin"I say and here the camera click again "sorry my hand slipped"he says "are you ready to go back to the hotel"he whispers to me and my heart races as he wraps his arms around me after what happened on the boat I have wanted to go back to the hotel with him

We decided to walk back to the hotel and take in the Paris street but right before we got there it started to rain and we are both soaked by the time we get in and in seconds both of her clothes are of and we get lost in ourself for the night


"Mama dada"Emery runs to us "oh baby I missed you"I pick her up into my arms "hello gorgeous"

"Dada"she smiles "your a happy girl tonight baby did you miss us"

"Yes yes"she hugs us both "thank you so much Nora"

"She was great I'll have her anytime won't I"She says to Emery who smiles to her "I'll leave you guys alone I'll text you bye"

"My room my room"she wiggles her way out of my arms and runs down the hallway "bed bed"she hugs her bed and climbs on top "Em Em bed"she says getting under her covers "awww are you happy to be home baby"I hug her and she nods "I'm sleepy"she rubs her eyes "dada sleep"she pats the side of her bed "dada is to big"

"Dada's bed"she asks and he looks to me and I nod

"Ok let's go"he picks her up "yay"we get into our bed and Hardin gets into the middle getting her life comfy "night night"she rolls over taking my hand and Hardins

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now